Gaydon Parish Magazine July 2015

index of magazines

This Month's Diary

     Coffee Morning           Sat 11th 11am            Village Hall
     Quiz Night               Fri 17th 8pm             Malt Shovel
     BIG LUNCH                Sun 19th 1pm             Village Hall
     Friendship Club          Tues 21st 2.30pm         Corner Cottage
     Parish Council Meeting   Tues 21st 8pm            Village Hall
     Library                  Mondays 6th & 27th       Telephone Box
     Pilates                  Tuesdays 6.30pm          Village Hall

    *FRENCH EVENING         SAT  19th  SEPT          VILLAGE HALL*
    CHRISTMAS FAIR          SAT  28th  NOV           VILLAGE HALL
    CHRISTMAS LUNCH         SUN  6th  DEC            VILLAGE HALL
    BURNS' NIGHT            JAN  2016                VILLAGE HALL

Parish Council News

Highways Cash

County Councillor Chris Williams has told us that he has £40,000 to spend in his ward this year on highways issues. Councillors agreed that the Banbury Road layby needs tidying and will suggest to Chris that this project be allocated some funds.


The Parish Council has asked JLR to consider funding the cutting back of vegetation in the cemetery. We will keep you updated.

Could we please remind residents that requests for headstones in the cemetery or additional inscriptions on headstones require Parish Council approval and there are fees involved. Requests should be made in writing to the Clerk.


The bench on Pimple Lane is beyond repair. We hope to arrange for it to be removed shortly and will be looking at a replacement.


The 'slurry' work has stopped but will be resumed shortly. We have been told that the weeds will be sprayed again before work commences. Hedges and bushes are growing fast: please make sure that the footways outside your properties are kept clear for pedestrians.

Village Green

Village green posts have been damaged again. Please be careful. These posts are to protect our registered green from damage. Vehicles have been spotted parked with two wheels on the green. Please ask your visitors not to park on the green.

Play Area

We are hoping to get some funds towards our play area. If you have any ideas on the type of equipment you would like to see in this area could you please contact Debi Morisot, email

A short questionnaire on this area might also be delivered to you shortly. Please complete and return to Debi.


There have been problems with a car transporter reversing into Church Road from the Banbury Road and then blocking the footway outside The Gaydon Inn. JLR have taken this matter very seriously and have asked all car transporter drivers not to enter the village. If you see a car transporter in the village please note the registration number and contact the clerk.

Lorries on Church Road

There appears to be an increase in the number of lorries parking on Church Road. These lorries often stay overnight and park blocking the footway. If you see a lorry blocking the footway could you please report the matter to the Police (call 101 and give the registration number).

M40 Slipway

Highways England are providing regular updates on M40 slip road closures and a progress report. We will display the closures on the noticeboard and in the shop. The progress reports will be put on the website.

Gaydon Inn Field

Andy Wilkins representing Spitfire Properties attended our June meeting to talk about Spitfire's plans for the Gaydon Inn field. The planning application has just been registered with the District Council and we suspect will be going out for consultation in the next couple of months. The draft plans showed 19 dwellings on the site and the Parish Council expressed concern that there is no community mix of housing (no bungalows for people to downsize into) and no community facilities (play area). We also expressed concern about the drainage of the site and Andy advised us to contact Severn Trent which we will be doing. Andy agreed to raise the above issues with Spitfire Properties. District Councillor Chris Kettle attended our meeting and he provided some very helpful advice.

Banbury Road Ditch

We have received a response from the Secretary of State for Transport regarding ownership of the ditch on the Banbury Road. The agency states that the ditch is the responsibility of landowners. If any resident has documentation which contradicts this, please contact the Clerk. Letters will be sent to the landowners.

Our next meeting is on Tuesday, 21 July, at 8pm.

Church Services in July

Sunday 5th
     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Burton Dassett
    10.30    Morning Prayer        Fenny Compton
    10.30    Communion & Baptism   Gaydon
     6.00pm  Evensong              Farnborough
Sunday 12th
     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Farnborough
     9.00    Holy Communion        Gaydon
    10.30    Holy Communion        Fenny Compton
    10.30    Communion by ext.     Northend
Sunday 19th
      9.00   Holy Communion        Farnborough
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Gaydon
     10.30   Morning Worship       Fenny Compton
     10.30   Holy Communion        Northend
      6.00pm Reflection & Praise   Northend
Sunday 26th
      9.00   Holy Communion BCP    Fenny Compton
     10.30   Holy Communion        Farnborough
     10.30   Prayer & Praise       Gaydon
     10.30   Morning Prayer        Northend

Nature Notes


Summer temperatures at last! June has been an unusually cold month. As often occurs in Gaydon, swarms of Bees arrived attracted by old combs but fortunately did not invade the village Hall porch as in previous years. No need to ask our trusty retired entomologists from Chadshunt to attend! The back wall of the shop had a great number of leaf-cutting bees making burrows in the mortar and they have mostly gone now, having each reared its single grub. They are attractive red furry bees that do not sting and are great pollinators.

A smaller number of Swallows and Swifts have returned this year to the village. A few years ago there were more but places to nest and lack of ponds for nesting materials (they need a flat muddy surround) may have contributed. We have noticed many more in Greece and Italy where it was warmer and, as a consequence, with more insects on the wing.

By way of contrast, it has been a glorious month for blossom; even the False Acacia in the churchyard is laden with pink leguminous flowers. Hydrangeas, Clematis and the hedgerows are flowering in profusion. The Pollen levels are high with a rush of grasses in flower and with first cuts of Hay and Silage being taken, with good grazing pasture in spite of the lack of any substantial rain.

I have even seen some early dragonflies on the wing. It is no longer unusual to see Red Kites and I watched one lift quite a heavy roadkill Rabbit into the air before settling in a roadside Oak near Harwoods House yesterday. Buzzards and Ravens are also often seen over the village and sounds of Barn Owls are heard at night when the M40 is quiet! I'm hoping that the pairs displaced by recent barn conversions have found new nesting spots now.

One denizen of your gardens, the Hedgehog, may need a bit of help at present. I have two in may garden and never get many slugs; but it's been dry, so a shallow bowl of water and some soaked dog biscuits will give them a boost. At all costs do NOT use those blue slug pellets (there are organic alternatives) as they kill the whole food chain and you will lose a valuable ally, even if seldom seen! Rabbits are back: a baby was even dropped in my garden, probably by a passing Raven or Crow. It sadly died though this was rather expected.

The pink Valerian which seems to have invaded every nook and cranny of the village is great to watch late at night and even in the day as it attracts many species of moths. Look out for the exotic Humming-bird Hawk this month which might well start invading our shores from North Africa with the Painted Lady Butterfly - both like this plant. I have also seen the Pink Elephant Hawk, Lime hawk, Silver "Y" and Red Underwing on the flowers in the evening. If one of these large insects comes through your window, it is best to put out the light or collect it with a paper cup and piece of card and release it away from the light; otherwise they come back again!

The old hay meadow behind the church is a delight at present abaze with bulbous Buttercups, clover and other wild flowers. It should soon resonate with the sound of Grasshoppers, a true sound of late summer. Bernard Price

Mobile Library

The Library will visit Gaydon on Mondays 6th and 27th July from 1.30pm-2pm at the Telephone Box.

Coffee Morning

Village Hall on Saturday 11 July at 11am. We raise funds for the up-keep of the Parish Church. Bring and Buy and Raffle - everyone welcome!

Friendship Club

The Friendship Club will meet on Tuesday 21 July at 2.30pm at the home of Mrs Mary Fox, Corner Cottage, Church Lane.

Quiz Night

Friday 17 July 8pm Malt Shovel, Gaydon
There will be a Charity Quiz in aid of our Church
and The Shakespeare Hospice
on Friday 17 July at The Malt Shovel starting at 8pm.
Teams of Four, £5 per person: entry to include cheese and biscuits served at half-time!  Book your team in with Debi at the pub: 641221.
Raffle with Fabulous prizes!

Big Lunch

Gaydon Village Hall
Sunday 19 July at 1pm
Usual format: bring a plate of food to share
If it is a nice day, the village barbecue will be alight and you can
cook your own sausages and burgers
Wine and soft drinks will be available
    Want more details?  Ring Sue on 640695 or Julie on 640349
Raffle in aid of Over-sixties' Christmas Lunch

All Saints' Church, Burton Dassett

Concert Sunday, 12th July 2015 at 7.30pm In aid of Coventry and Warwickshire Historic Churches' Trust

Tamsin Waley-Cohen, violin, Huw Watkins, piano. For further details and tickets contact or phone 07880 568946.

Tamsin Waley-Cohen is an international Violinist and we are delighted that she will be playing in our Church!

A Quiet Day on July 6th at Shipston on Stour

The world is a noisier place than it has ever been. A media-driven culture seems designed to prevent people from being or becoming reflective, quiet, non-active and still. In the midst of our turbulent times, God is calling us to be still and to listen to his Word in silence and in depth. To help you to do this, The Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer is arranging a day of silent listening to the Word of God at The House of Bread, The Mill, Shipston on Stour, on Monday 6 July from 9.30am-3.30pm. Telephone Revd Martin Tunnicliffe on 0121 745 6522 for further details and booking.

Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners'

Royal Benevolent Society Appeal

Seafarers Awareness Week was from 20-28 June and the Charity is trying to raise an extra £10,000 for the sailors and families they help. This year they remember the 70th anniversary of the Second World War when the Society made a significant contribution to the lives of survivors of shipwreck, mainly during the Battle of the Atlantic. In the past year the Society's work remains important and necessary. Over 600 new applications for assistance were received and grants totalling £1.4 million were distributed in 2,100 cases of need. It is thanks to the loyalty and kind-heartedness of their supporters that they are able to continue this work.

To make a donation to the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society you can send a cheque to 1 North Pallant, Chichester PO19 1TL or look at the website for more information.

The Warwickshire Directory

Are you looking for activities, advice or services?

The Warwickshire Directory is aimed at helping people find information about local organisations, groups and agencies that provide activities, advice, services and support.

Information and advice is an essential part of enabling people, carers and families to take control of, and make well-informed choices about, their care and support.

Please visit the Directory online at

We are committed to continually improving the range of information, advice and services available to people online.

Do you run a local activity or service? Are you listed on the Warwickshire Directory?

If not, we want to hear from you. The Directory could be a great way of promoting your service to a wider audience for free. To get listed, please contact the Directory Team by emailing or by calling us on 01926 742604.

Gaydon Village Store News

After we lost our storage facility, the Village Hall Committee and Jaguar Land Rover came to the rescue. JLR donated a hard-standing and secure shed for our use. We liaised with Tom Higgins from JLR Facilities and Site Services; and Peter, Paul and Mark volunteered to organise and carry out the work. Thanks to Adrian who initially cleared the land and then to the JLR team who laid a sound base and installed a secure shed, pictured on the front of this month's magazine.

Big thanks all round. Keep supporting your shop!

Quiz Night

Friday 17 July 8pm Malt Shovel, Gaydon. There will be a Charity Quiz in aid of our Church and The Shakespeare Hospice on Friday 17 July at The Malt Shovel starting at 8pm.

Teams of Four, £5 per person: entry to include cheese and biscuits served at half-time! Book your team in with Debi at the pub: 641221.

Please Donate Raffle Prizes

We need donations of bottles, chocolates, nice unwanted gifts, toiletries and so on, to add to our list of fabulous prizes. Please take them to Almeley Chase on Kineton Road or ring Alastair on 642248 to arrange delivery time. Thank you!

School Transport

Warwickshire County Council needs to make overall savings of around £92m by 2018. Each year, the Council spends around £15 million per year on home to school transport. The savings target allocated to this area of work as part of the One Organisational Plan is £3.7m.

As a local authority we currently provide free or assisted transport to certain groups of children with no legal entitlement to such support. The current cost of the discretionary element of our transport provision is at least £2.9 million. This includes our Vacant Seats and Post 16 schemes that generate around £1.2 million of income per year.

Further details on the consultation are attached via the following link:-

Amanda Wilson-Patterson, WCC, 01926 413642 (internal 3642)

Messy Church

Taste and See will take place at Temple Herdewyke on Sunday 5 July at 3.30pm. Messy Church will be held at Fenny Compton Village Hall on Sunday 12 July at 3.30pm. Details from Lesley on 01295 771171.

Teas in Farnborough Village Hall

Home-made teas are served in Farnborough Village Hall from 2.30 to 5.30pm every Wednesday and Saturday in July and August, in aid of the church.


The flag on the village green was raised in June for the Anniversary of HM The Queen's Coronation on the 2nd; for the birthday of HRH Prince Philip on the 10th; and for the anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, 18th June 1815.

French Evening Coming soon!

French Evening in Gaydon Village Hall
*Saturday 19 September*
'Superbe' Parisian Menu
Fine Wines
Soirée Musicale
Tickets will be on sale soon - look out for posters and see next month's magazine
*Note change of date*