IN ATTENDANCE: Six members of the public, CLLR C KETTLE (Stratford District Council (SDC)) and MR I WILSON (Clerk).


Apologies had been received from CLLR CLAXTON and CLLR C WILLIAMS (Warwickshire County Council) and were accepted

Declarations of interests and consideration of dispensation requests

CLLR BOURNE declared an interest under item 7 (Planning) in relation to application 19/02815/TEL28. There were no other declarations of interests or requests for dispensation.

Acceptance of Minutes from October OGM

The minutes of the OGM held in October were agreed and accepted by the Council

Matters Carried Forward From Previous Meetings

At the last meeting CLLR LEADBETTER had asked about a social media policy for Parish Councillors. The clerk would obtain a copy of the WALC guidance on this and circulate to Parish Councillors so that they could consider adopting this as their policy in future.

The previous meeting had discussed planned maintenance for the village field. The ecology survey carried out as part of the village field application had a number of recommendations which could be included in this as well as the day to day maintenance which is currently carried out. It was noted that a number of items, such as fencing work would need to be planned around bird nesting season. CLLR LEWIS would circulate a proposal ahead of the next meeting, so that it could be considered as part of the Parish Council budget setting process.

It was also agreed to issue an apology through the parish magazine for the damage caused at the entrance to the field as a result of the unauthorised maintenance previously carried out by a Parish Councillor.

It was also agreed that the clerk would write to SDC planners to confirm that they have the correct (changed) parish boundaries for Gaydon.

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

Charles Barlow (Warwickshire County Council) attended to provide a presentation and answer questions on the health strategic needs assessment for the County (copy of presentation available on request). He explained that this was an exercise carried out across the county every three years, with community input. Gaydon is in the third and final phase of the consultation and there will be a stakeholder event in Wellesbourne at the end of November.

One of the key aims from this consultation is to reach groups that wouldn’t normally respond to on-line surveys. With this in mind the Parish Council would publicise the consultation in the Parish Magazine so that community groups could consider at forthcoming events.

It was noted that data collected as part of this exercise would be available to support future grant applications and it was expected that initial information would start to be available in January 2020 through Warwickshire County Council insights website. Parish level data would be available on request depending on the level of response. The closing date for completing the surveys was the end of February 2020 and was open to all age groups.

CLLR HILL asked for paper copies of the survey for the upcoming Church Christmas Fayre and asked if the data would provide information which could be used to request more cycle ways. Charles Barlow confirmed that the data would be useful in providing a case for health improvement schemes and that he would provide CLLR HILL with survey forms as requested.

Public Participation

A representative from the village Millennium Group asked that the Parish Council support their sponsoring of a Christmas tree on the village green and this was agreed.

A resident asked about clearing of drainage ditches. During the recent heavy rain, particularly where County Council highways drains had been ineffective blocked ditches had exasperated the flooding issues. It was noted that clearing drains was the responsibility of the County Council and landowners were responsible for clearing ditches. It was agreed to monitor the situation and then contact the County Council to see what further action could be taken.

Residents asked about SDC planning enforcement action for new developers, particularly where developers were pumping water into storm drains and contractor vehicles were causing problems for residents. CLLR KETTLE explained that he was liaising between developers and planning enforcement to ensure that drainage for new developments met planning conditions and he would also talk with enforcement officers to ensure that conditions were adhered to during construction.

Residents asked about the recent consultation event on play in the village. They were keen to understand whether only the village field was now being considered and whether 12-19 provision and adult gym equipment was being considered/ Feedback from the consultation event was to be considered in more detail under item 7 (Community Spaces). However, CLLR LEWIS confirmed that the consultation was about where the provision should be and who it should be for. CLLR DAVIES reminded residents that this consultation was about an overall concept rather than detailed planning.

Parish Council Reports

Community Spaces

Village Filed:

CLLR LEWIS reported on the recent consultation events (held 9th and 10th November) to consider how best to use the space we currently have given the funding available. The events had been held to engage the village and presented a concept for part of the village field to be used for play taking account of earlier feedback and conditions identified in the recent ecology and archaeological surveys of the field. The events had been an open consultation as previously agreed by the Parish Council, so materials had not been circulated in advance

Feedback from the events had been circulated to councillors and was also available on-line. In summary 47 positive responses had been collated from the concepts presented, with 11 responses raising issues that CLLR LEWIS would seek to address if the Parish Council agreed to take forward the concept for the village field. CLLR LEWIS reported that she had also engaged with ROSPA, who had confirmed from a desk based review that it was ok in principle to take forward the concept of play for the village field and had provided suggestions as to how this could be complemented by the existing play area at St. Marks.

At this stage councillors were asked to consider the concept for the village field, but also bear in mind that there was the possibility of some funding for St Marks play area. CLLR HILL thanked CLLR LEWIS and LEADBETTER for their work on the consultation, but expressed disappointment that materials had not been circulated in advance to ensure that feedback was better informed and took account of known issues such as access. CLLR LEADBETTER also reminded councillors that the Parish Council wasn’t currently complying with guidelines regarding the amount of recreational space that should be provided and there was s106 funding from developers to address this.

CLLR DAVIES explained that at this stage now that the Parish Council had purchased the field and change of use had been granted to take this forward the Parish Council should take a vote on whether to pursue the concept of a play area on the village field.

CLLR BOURNE proposed, seconded by CLLR LEWIS that a play area in part of the village field be agreed as a concept that the Parish Council took forward. CLLR HILL voted against this proposal and CLLR MIDDLEDITCH abstained. All other councillors present agreed, therefore the motion was carried by a majority.

It was also agreed that a risk assessment would be carried out before any equipment was built and that the Parish Council would continue to listen to suggestions for play equipment to go in the field.

St. Mark’s/St Giles

CLLR KETTLE provided an update following discussions with Orbit Housing. He explained that Orbit were looking to rationalise their holdings and transfer land it wasn’t appropriate to hold. CLLR HILL had also been working with Orbit to determine ownership of the triangle where the play area was and this was still in discussion. In the meantime CLLR LEWIS had identified a funding opportunity for this area and would work with Orbit to get an agreement to put in an application.

Neighbourhood Plan

CLLR LEADBETTER reported that she soon expected to have four quotes for consultancy and would look to agree a consultant between meetings so that a grant application could be agreed and the work taken forward. CLLR LEADBETTER confirmed that the area application had not yet been agreed, though confirmation was expected soon and she was in discussion with Sarah Brook-Taylor (WRCC) to consider how best to include housing need in the neighbourhood plan work

Chair’s Report and Traffic Calming

CLLR DAVIES reported that Warwickshire County Highways engineer was waiting for the gateway features and would then be ready to go, hopefully to install before the New Year.

Streetlights, Furniture and Drains

CLLR HILL confirmed that she had photographs of the recent flooding which showed potential blocked drains and she would send these to Warwickshire County Council. She also thanked the resident who had placed grips along the Banbury Road to alleviate the flooding and it was agreed that this resident should be formally thanked through the village magazine.


Since the last meeting the following applications had been received for comments

Top of Form

Reference Status Address Proposal
19/02825/LDP Pending Consideration British Motor Museum Banbury Road Gaydon Warwick CV35 0BJ Holding of up to 12 wedding ceremonies per year at the British Motor Museum. Please see covering letter.
19/02815/TEL28 Comments sent Radio Masts Gaydon Test Centre Banbury Road Gaydon Installation of 1No 300 transmission dish at 25metres on tower leg

Bottom of Form

Planning Inspectorate – Gaydon Service Station – Written representations by 10/12/2019

The meeting noted that the latest application to develop Gaydon Service Station is being heard by Stratford District Council (SDC) planning committee on 27th November. Councillor Claxton will be attending to present the Parish Council’s objections. While this new application is being considered enforcement action against the previous unauthorised development is on hold, but planning enforcement are ready to proceed depending on the outcome of this application and the decision of the planning inspector.

The clerk also confirmed that SDC were planning enforcement action to be undertaken against the unauthorised advertising hoarding on the trailer in the parish in due course

The meeting noted that the following decisions received since the last meeting

Top of Form

Reference Status Address Proposal
19/02815/TEL28 Comments sent Radio Masts Gaydon Test Centre Banbury Road Gaydon Installation of 1No 300 transmission dish at 25metres on tower leg
19/01826/ADV Advert Granted with Conditions Malt Shovel Inn Church Road Gaydon CV35 0ET Installation of replacement illuminated and non illuminated signs to the exterior of the building.

Bottom of Form

Planning Inspectorate – Gaydon Service Station – Appeal dismissed and enforcement notice upheld

Community Engagement

CLLR HILL reported that part of a footway in the village was only partly walkable. However, it was confirmed that as this was Orbit land there wasn’t much that the Parish Council could at this stage. CLLR HILL also confirmed the support from the Parish Council for the Millennium Group to donate a Christmas tree to the village green.

The meeting considered a request to fund room hire for a meeting planned in the village hall on climate change emergency. However, this request was declined.


CLLR MIDDLEDITCH had nothing to report. However, it was agreed that fees would be reviewed in the New Year.

Clerk’s Report

Bank mandates were being processed with HSBC to add additional councillors as authorised signatories. The budget for 2020/21 would be considered at the next Parish Council meeting, when the precept for 2020/21 needs to be agreed. An extension to the green waste charging consultation had been agreed with SDC and this would be considered under item 9 below.

Reports from Ward Representatives of Warwickshire County Council (WCC) and Stratford District Council (SDC)

CLLR KETTLE (SDC) reported that SDC had received a long paper setting out the rationale for green waste charging to consider as part of the budget shortfall. SDC was not required to collect green waste and the overall cost to the Council was £1m net. It was noted that where other council’s had introduced charging for green waste there had not been a discernible increase in fly tipping. In the meantime a new materials recycling facility was to be built by SDC in partnership with other Warwickshire councils in Coventry.

CLLR KETTLE confirmed that SDC were also looking at other efficiencies across services to cover the budget shortfall and it was noted that SDC were a high performing Council. He also confirmed his on-going discussions with Orbit Housing and his response to the recent flooding (see earlier). He also confirmed on-going work in the council in response to declaring a climate change emergency and expected to be able to provide more information on specific planned actions by the council to future meetings. SDC would also soon be reviewing polling districts to align wards to reflect new development.

CLLR KETTLE had met with the planning officer dealing with the current Gaydon Service Station application and confirmed that without an objection from County Highways planning officers had little planning scope to refuse the application. CLLR KETTLE was also pleased to announce that SDC had recently appointed a new Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive following an independent review of the council following issues raised by the previous Head of Paid Service.

CLLR Williams (WCC) had sent apologies. However, the amount that could be reported at this meeting was limited by the upcoming general election.

Green Waste Charging

It was agreed that the Parish Council should put forward an objection to SDC plans to charge for collecting green waste 2020/21, emphasising the likely impact on fly tipping, the possible reduction in composting and the inadequacy of using the food caddy to collect food waste.


The following were noted:

SDC – EU nationals settled status briefing

WALC - JSNA future stakeholder engagement events

Avon Planning – Quote for Neighbourhood Plan Work

WALC – November Newsletter

GLH Phase 1 – Bellway Newsletter 4

SDC – Stakeholder Consultation Green Waste

Financial Administration

CLLR HILL proposed, seconded by CLLR DAVIES and the following accounts were then agreed for payment:

Clerk I Wilson Salary and Expenses (October 2019) £340.00

Chris Pickering – Grass Cutting £982.39

Items for future agendas

Parish Council website and Budget for 2020/21