Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting Of Gaydon Parish Council Held at Gaydon Village Hall, Gaydon, Warwickshire On Tuesday 2nd July 2019 At 7.30pm


IN ATTENDANCE: Eight members of the public, CLLR C KETTLE (Stratford District Council), CLLR C WILLIAMS (Warwickshire County Council) and MR I WILSON (Clerk).


Apologies had been received from CLLR LEWIS and were accepted

Declarations of interests and consideration of dispensation requests

There was a discussion as to whether individual councillors required dispensation to discuss the planning application for Gaydon Service Station. It was agreed that though a dispensation request had been received from CLLR HILL and other councillors had declared an interest in the village shop, that formal dispensation was not required as the Garage had a different foot fall to the village shop. The declarations of interest from CLLRs HILL, CLAXTON and MIDDLEDITCH in the village shop were noted as was CLLR BOURNE, as the owner of a neighbouring property.

Public Participation

The meeting noted that a wasps nest had been identified by a member of the public in the cemetery and also that a resident had been putting out the bins for collection from the cemetery.

It was also noted that an appeal against a previously refused planning application was likely to be received. The parish council would be notified of this from the Planning Inspectorate and would be able to make representation through Stratford District Council

Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meetings

CLLR HILL proposed that the minutes from May and June ordinary meetings be accepted. These were agreed subject to it being noted that at the May meeting when the Chair was elected, CLLR BOURNE had not been aware when proposed that he was able to vote for himself.

Matters Carried Forward From Previous Meetings

There were no matters outstanding from previous meetings not included in the agenda to this meeting

Parish Council Reports

Chair’s Report and Traffic Calming:

CLLR DAVIES reported that County Highways have advised the parish council that the speed repeater signs in the village on the Banbury Road should be removed. This is because the spacing of the streetlights already signify that the speed limit is 30mph and the repeater signs are therefore not enforceable if challenged.

County Highways are also working to re site the bus stop. CLLR WILLIAMS (WCC) reported that this would happen in August or September and he would ask officers to inform parish councillors as to where it would be sited.

CLLR DAVIES also reported that some discussions with JLR regarding contributions to future traffic calming schemes were talking place

Streetlights and furniture

CLLR CLAXTON reported that three lights are currently not working properly. He would liaise with County Highways to look at costs for removal, replacement or refurbishment as appropriate for each light.


The meeting discussed application reference 19/01408/FUL. Demolition of all existing structures on the site, and the erection of a replacement forecourt, canopy, pump island, underground tanks and sales building (A1), with associated car parking, landscaping and other associated works.

The meeting agreed that the parish council should reinforce objections to previous applications and also objected to on the following planning grounds;

Highway Safety and Traffic Generation, the proposal will increase footfall to the site (contrary to Stratford District Council’s (SDC) core strategy) and generate more traffic into the site and village;

Road access and risk of flooding in Pimple Lane;

Environmental impact, noise and light pollution will be increased for neighbouring residents;

Loss of residential property, the proposal includes the demolition of a residential bungalow.

It was noted that the response should be with Stratford District Council planners by 3rd July 2019 and it was therefore agreed that the clerk should draft a response based upon the discussions at this meeting for comment by all councillors ahead of the deadline.

CLLR BOURNE also highlighted application reference 19/01431/FUL. Engineering works comprising the formation of an access from Kineton Road, and the laying of hardstanding, where no representation had been made.

Community Engagement

CLLR Hill had circulated a report ahead of the meeting (attached with these minutes). It was noted that Orbit Housing had archives from South Warwickshire Housing Association. Discussions and correspondence would continue with Orbit Housing to establish ownership of the playground at St Marks.

Community Spaces

CLLR Lewis had circulated a report ahead of the meeting (attached with these minutes). As CLLR Lewis had sent apologies it was agreed to note this report and arrange a separate meeting of councillors in the next couple of weeks to discuss how to proceed with the change of use application.

Neighbourhood Plan

CLLR LEADBETTER reported that she was working with Stratford District Council regarding a questionnaire design for the initial consultation and housing needs surveys. Volunteers were still needed from the village to help with putting together the neighbourhood plan, otherwise the majority of work would need to be carried out by planning consultants.

It was noted that the initial consultation should provide more information on the work that the plan would need to cover and may lead to further volunteers from the village. CLLR LEADBETTER would work with the parish clerk to look at further planning consultancy needed and grant funding available for this work.


CLLR MIDDLEDITCH thanked the resident who had been putting out the black bin for collection and reported that a green bin had been requested. She would arrange for all buns to put out for collection from the cemetery. A member of the public had also been in touch to report flowers which had been pulled out and termite mounds had also been identified. The parish was also looking to obtain a strimmer to improve the overall grave yard appearance

Clerk’s Report

Draft revised Standing Orders and Financial Regulations had been circulated to councillors. Comments would be sought before these were agreed. It was also suggested that the principles for behaviour in meetings, drafted by CLLR LEADBETTER could be appended to Standing Orders.

The clerk had been in correspondence with Stratford District Council (SDC) regarding the financial agreement for spending s106 monies for village field change of use, while SDC had confirmed the advice given to CLLR LEWIS previously that the money could be spent towards facilitating change of use (ie: including archaeological and ecological surveys), this still contradicted the earlier financial agreement.

It was agreed that the clerk and chair would seek to arrange a face to face meeting

with District Council Solicitors to clarify the situation. CLLR KETTLE also offered to follow up this matter with officers when the clerk forwarded all relevant correspondence.

Reports from Ward Representatives of Warwickshire County Council and Stratford

District Council

CLLR Kettle (SDC) has written to Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner about the Police failure to follow up assaults on Gaydon residents. A formal written response has been requested as the lack of police action to date is considered unacceptable

CLLR Kettle also reported that the District Council have agreed supplementary planning documents for travellers, air quality, parking and holiday lets. The District Council is required by government to identify temporary traveller accommodation (for 28 days) in the district area and consideration of sites is on-going. The District Council is also reviewing a number of reserve sites in the event that the land available for housing supply doesn’t meet their five year targets, current targets are however being met

CLLR Williams (WCC) had sent a report (attached with these minutes). It was noted that The County Councillor’s fund has agreed to provide £200 funding to The Millennium Group.

Financial Administration

The following accounts were agreed for payment:

Clerk I Wilson Salary and Expenses (June 2019) £ 280.00

E-.on - street lighting £ 519.63

SDC - emptying of dog waste bin £ 134.23

WCC – removal and disconnection of streetlight £ 505.20

Accounting Data Services - Internal audit £ 230.40

ICO – Data Protection £ 40.00


The following list of correspondence was noted for information:

WALC – Training for new and seasoned clerks and councillors

WALC – Summer Holiday Activities

WALC – Guidance: Insurance for Parish Councils

WALC – Free rural housing briefing SDC 4th July 2019

SDC – Parish & Partner Briefing June 2019

SDC – S106 correspondence with GPC

Planning Inspectorate – Appeal refused; Old Vicarage (18/01382/047)