1. Appointment of Chairman

The Chairman explained that increased workload means that he must stand down as Chairman. Cllr. Hughes said that he would consider the role in 2 months’ time. The Chairman said that he would only be looking at his emails twice a week and would not be taking part in a neighbourhood plan or any other additional projects. He stressed that he should be contacted via email due to his long working day.

ACTION: The Clerk to copy Cllr. Hughes on all emails to the Chair. Cllr. Hughes to respond and provide guidance.

7.50pm District Cllr. Kettle joins the meeting.

2. Apologies for absence

County Cllr. C. Williams (county business). Cllr. Conway (personal commitment).

3. Questions from the public

A resident thanked our contractor and Cllr. Claxton for litter picking the layby. She said that it was in a dreadful state. Councillors asked if we could please have more bins since the ones that have been provided are still not sufficient.

ACTION: District Cllr. Kettle to ask the District Council.

JLR/AML traffic is blocking the access to the dual carriageway in the mornings from the Gaydon link road junction. Cllr. Claxton said that the Parish Council alerted County Highways to this problem when the road first opened. Hatched road markings are required. The Clerk to write to JLR asking if they can assist with this problem and also arrange for an item on the next Gaydon Liaison Committee agenda.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to JLR and arrange for an item on the next Gaydon Liaison Committee agenda.

Concern was also expressed about cars turning up the wrong side of the dual carriageway from the Gaydon link road. This has been seen by several residents on different occasions. It was agreed that road markings would help the situation.

Do we own the telephone box? The Clerk said that she completed the form asking if the parish could purchase the box and has heard no more.

ACTION: District Cllr. Kettle to find out the status.

Resident reported that a low loader had taken the tarmac off part of Church Lane. It was agreed that this should be reported to County Cllr. Williams.

ACTION: The Clerk to report to County Cllr. Williams.

A request was received for an ‘evaluation’ on the 50mph signage on the Banbury Road following the 2 serious accidents in the last week. It was understood that the signage was erected to reduce the speed of vehicles which would reduce the number of fatalities. Instead this signage has increased the speed of vehicles entering our village. It was agreed that County Cllr. Williams should be asked for this.

ACTION: The Clerk to request an evaluation from County Cllr. Williams.

A resident asked for an update on the removal of the 30mph countdown markers on the Banbury Road. The Chairman reported that County Cllr. Williams will be in attendance at the next meeting with a highways officer and should be able to answer this concern.

ACTION: October agenda item.

The Clerk reported that a resident has called her and reported that the Police have said that cars should not be parked on the Banbury Road outside the houses past Pimple Lane. There are no road markings to support this. Councillors said that this question should be passed to County Cllr. Williams.

ACTION: The Clerk to seek the advice of County Cllr. Williams.

A resident explained the impact increasing the number of dogs in the kennels to 100 would have on her and her family’s wellbeing. Another resident said that the noise from the kennels can be heard in the village.

4. Declarations of interest

The Clerk said that she would like to make the meeting aware that she has a personal interest in items 7(c) and 10(b) as a near neighbour.

5. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (August)

The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr. Hughes proposed that they be accepted, seconded Cllr. Morisot and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.

6. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings

(a) Church Lane field update

The Clerk said that we have not been given a date for when the fence will be erected. A resident reported that the fence will be erected in a fortnight. It was agreed that Cllr. Claxton would meet with the adjacent landowner to mark the boundary. The kissing gate will be removed.

ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to meet with the adjacent landowner to mark the boundary.

(b) Church Lane field survey update

The Chairman reported that the deadline for completing the survey has passed. He said that the results show a need for play equipment for nursery and primary age school children, a wildlife conservation area and an open space area for community events. He reminded councillors that we still have a play area which we can develop. Cllr. Morisot agreed to write an article for the magazine updating residents.

ACTION: Cllr. Morisot to write an article for the magazine.

The Chairman said that he would like to thank every single resident who took the time to fill it in and to the people who distributed it and collected it.

It was agreed that Cllr. Morisot would review the condition of the field, highlighting any maintenance work required, to ensure that it is safe for the public.

ACTION: Cllr. Morisot to review the condition of the field.

Cllr. Claxton agreed to place a notice on the gate asking residents to keep to the footpath.

ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to place a notice on the gate.

(c) Blocked ditch and drain behind St. Mark’s Close update

Cllr. Claxton said that he understands work will start on this site this month. He will visit the site and talk to the developer.

ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to liaise with the developer.

(d) Gaydon Liaison Committee Meeting feedback

Cllr. Claxton reported that there are plans for a hotel. They have planning permission and he understands that it will start shortly. A request was made for the BMM to provide more screening as residents can see the cars on the site. No plans for development on the far side of the B4100 yet.

ACTION: The Clerk to contact the BMM requesting more screening.

7. To receive any correspondence

(a) emails re. water containers filling up in Gaydon

The Chairman reported that numerous complaints have been received about water tankers from JLR filling up at the Church Road/Banbury Road junction. These tankers are causing visibility issues for drivers and blocking footways. Severn Trent has confirmed that they should not be using this hydrant. They say that there are plenty of hydrants by JLR/AML and these should be used. Councillors agreed that all JLR/AML/BMM and GLH planning applications would now request a condition whereby all construction vehicles requiring water should use the hydrants at JLR/AML.

(b) Planning notification for Gaydon Hill Farm; upgrade transmission dish


(c) letter re. Village Farm planning application


(d) Safety Road Partnership request

This request from the Community Speedwatch Team was circulated to councillors. Councillors agreed to support it.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to Community Speedwatch Team.

(e) New Government litter strategy


8. County Council Matters

(a) To receive report

The Chairman read the report. A copy is attached to these minutes.

(b) 30mph countdown markers on Banbury Road; to discuss way forward

County Cllr. Williams has said the removal of the markers is a result of central government regulations. The Chairman said that questions regarding this legislation can be addressed to the Highways Officer at our October meeting.

(c) Warwick Road; security and safety issues

The Chairman said that County Cllr. Williams has reported that this gate will be secured once the JLR work has finished. A resident advised that County Cllr. Williams has the wrong gate. It’s the gate into the field that needs securing.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to arrange for the gate into the field to be secured.

(d) Banbury Road layby update

The Chairman said that the Parish Council did not agree to clear the vegetation in the layby but did agree to annual maintenance. If permission was granted by County Highways for it to be thinned then they would liaise with local businesses and possibly the payback team to assist with the project. They do not expect County Highways to pick up the cost. Councillors agreed that Cllrs. Claxton and Morisot should meet with Mark Ryder, preferably in the layby, to explain how they would approach the project and the benefits it could bring to the local community.

ACTION: Cllr. Morisot to arrange a meeting with Mark Ryder.

(e) Link road gateway: date for when work will commence

County Cllr. Williams reported that these works are in the pipeline. They have been passed to the County’s contractor and the County has no control over when the work will take place.

(f) New scheme road markings; date for when work will commence

Councillors agreed that the lack of road markings are becoming a very serious safety concern with cars parking across the lights on the dual carriageway, entering the wrong side of the dual carriageway and still travelling up the ‘stopped up’ Warwick Road. In view of this a letter should be sent to Mark Ryder pointing out these safety concerns and asking for assistance in getting them painted.

ACTION: The Clerk to draft a letter to Mark Ryder.

(g) Consultation on Children’s Centres; submitted

(h) Consultation on local healthwatch; no response submitted.

(i) Flood Grant Scheme


(j) County Councillors Grant Fund

It was pointed out that the bench on Pimple Lane hasn’t been replaced. This bench was on the hill and allowed residents a rest after climbing the hill. It was also used by the carers at Barnfields and residents with small children and pushchairs. The Chairman said that unfortunately County Cllr. Williams has made it clear that this grant is not for parish councils and so we are unable to apply. If there is a village group which could apply then the Parish Council would support this application as it would improve the wellbeing of residents.

9. District Council Matters

(a) To receive report

District Cllr. Kettle reported that 5 year housing supply numbers have been published. The council has sufficient numbers. Gaydon is one of 19 settlements which have received more housing than allocated. Gaydon has 45 new homes planned against an allocation of 32.

Horton General Hospital. A judicial review will take place in December.

Cllr. Kettle is now the District Council’s representative on the County Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

The District Council has commented on the Children’s Centre consultation. They do not believe the County Council has taken into account residents from rural areas being able to travel to Alcester.

(b) Enforcement issue relating to the Gaydon Inn field development update

District Cllr. Kettle said that there is a wildlife corridor. The developer and residents are liaising regarding the boundaries. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Kettle for his help.

(c) Gaydon Inn development update on street lights

ACTION: October agenda item.

(d) Section 106 payments; changes to system

Details have been circulated to councillors. Councillors agreed that it is an improvement to the current system and support it.

10. To receive planning applications

(a) 17/02337/FUL - Gaydon Service Station, Banbury Road

Councillors discussed this application and agreed unanimously that this was a development that a rural village does not require. It is a mini motorway services which will increase the amount of traffic entering our village going against the reasoning County Cllr. Williams gave for the dual carriageway. It is not a local business as stated by a councillor at the Planning Committee Meeting. It is an international concern with no reasoning for being located in a rural village with 350 residents. It will significantly harm our community shop and our village pub bringing unemployment. Both of which we wish to keep. We are repeatedly told that we need more housing so why demolish the bungalow for a shop that is not required. It is opposite a grade II listed building which will have a significant impact on the setting. It is not in keeping with our rural community. Visibility from Pimple Lane will be severely compromised. Agricultural vehicles will have difficulty exiting Pimple Lane due to the narrowing of the lane and the fact that this is the only exit since there is a 7.5T restriction on the railway bridge. The application form is invalid since it doesn’t state that part of the land is agricultural and the land has suffered from flooding. It does not comply with the Core Strategy due to size and the fact that the agricultural land is not allocated for commercial use. Gaydon’s allocation of industrial land is on the far side of the dual carriageway. Councillors agreed unanimously to object. Cllr. Hughes was asked to draft a response.

ACTION: Cllr. Hughes to draft a response, circulate to councillors and submit.

(b) 17/02381/VARY - Village Farm, Pimple Lane

Councillors discussed this application and agreed to object since there are no additional mitigation methods proposed. Concern was also expressed regarding waste.

ACTION: Cllr. Hughes to draft a response, circulate to councillors and submit.

(c) 17/02153/LBC - 5 The Milk House, Manor Farm Court

No objections or comments.

(d) 17/02420/FUL - Cherrytrees, Kineton Road

No objections or comments.

(e) 17/02547/FUL - Avon Valley Indoor Bowls Club

No objections or comments.

11. To receive results from planning applications

(a) 17/01707/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover; granted.

(b) 16/03904/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover; granted.

(c) 16/02479/FUL - Hillside; refused.

12. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Bank balances

The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £7,162.14 and Business Account - £10,613.15.

13. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Claxton, seconded by Cllr. Hughes and carried unanimously.

(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (August) – £279.21

(b) Stratford-on-Avon District Council - annual charge for emptying of dog bin - £126.90

(c) e.on - street lighting - £181.51

(d) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £425.00

(e) Mr. C. Pickering - repairing posts - £60.00

14. Date of next meeting

3rd October 2017 at 7.45pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.35pm.