


The Chairman said that this would be his last meeting as Chair.

1. Apologies for absence

County Cllr. C. Williams will be arriving at 8.30pm. Cllr. Hughes (business commitment). Cllr. Claxton (illness).

2. Questions from the public

No questions

3. Declarations of interest

Cllr. Conway declared a personal interest in items 7(c) and 8(d) as a nearby landowner.

4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (June)

The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr. Conway proposed that they be accepted, seconded Cllr. Morisot and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.

5. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings

(a) Church Lane field update

The Chairman reported that we are still waiting for confirmation from our solicitor on the purchase of this field.

(b) Church Lane field survey update

The Chairman reported that 70 surveys have been completed and returned. The deadline for completion is 20th August.

(c) Blocked ditch and drain behind St. Mark’s Close update

ACTION: September agenda item

(d) Gaydon Liaison Committee Meeting feedback

ACTION: September agenda item

7.45pm Cllr. Morisot joins the meeting.

The Chairman asked if the agenda could be rearranged to await the arrival of County Cllr. Williams. There were no objections.

7. District Council Matters

(a) To receive report

District Cllr. Kettle reported that Orbit has now sold 400 garages which they owned in the district. A percentage of the sale must be returned to the district. This amounts to just over £1 million. There are no plans to spend it at the moment. Orbit has spoken to the council about their repairs programme and Cllr. Kettle confirms that it is improving. The procedures are more robust and if any resident has any issues they should contact Cllr. Kettle. There are issues with housing. The district is trying to ensure that all of the 5 year contracts are rolled over. Again if any resident has concerns they should contact Cllr. Kettle. Orbit is trying to turn vacant homes around quicker.

With regard to Horton Hospital OCCG are going to make their recommendations public. They will be meeting with the district council shortly.

(b) Enforcement issue relating to the Gaydon Inn field development update

Cllr. Kettle said that he is liaising with Spitfire and the residents regarding boundaries. He hopes that this issue will be resolved shortly.

The Chairman thanked Cllr. Kettle for his help.

(c) Gaydon Inn development update on street lights

ACTION: September agenda item

8.10pm County Cllr. Williams joins the meeting.

(d) New homes bonus payments re. GLH

Cllr. Kettle explained that he has raised this with the leader in relation to GLH and Long Marston.

(e) Planning Committee Meeting (2nd August) to appoint representative

Cllr. Claxton was appointed as our representative.

6. County Council Matters

(a) To receive report

County Cllr. Williams reported that the funding mechanism is being reviewed. The Council assumed that business rates would be kept by the local authority but it doesn’t look like this is going to happen. £67 million over 4 years needs to be saved. Children’s centres are being reviewed. The fire service is now like a department at the County Council. No plans to close fire stations or make staff redundant. The community grant scheme is not to be used by parish councils. It is for community groups like Scouts. The Chairman said that he was surprised that grants were still being offered when money needs to be saved. Cllr. Williams said that this is the last year of this scheme.

B4100 has now had the signage installed. The Chairman explained that the 3 30mph warning signs have been removed. He asked if they could be reinstated.

A resident explained that the speed of vehicles entering Gaydon has increased since these warning signs have been removed. Vehicles are hitting Gaydon 30mph limit at speeds of 50mph plus. County Cllr. Williams said that he would find out why they have been removed and arrange for them to be reinstated.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to find out why the 30mph warning signs have been removed and arrange for them to be reinstated.

Residents said that drivers are not taking any notice of the new signage. County Cllr. Williams said that enforcement will stop people and then it will take effect. The Chairman asked when enforcement will take place. County Cllr. Williams said that the County Council is requesting this in certain places. He further explained that the 50mph signage is necessary as a result of 2 fatalities which cost the County Council £1 million each.

(b) Warwick Road work update

A resident reported that the gate in the turning head to the field should be locked.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to arrange for a chain and lock.

The Chairman said that he is delighted to see that the entrance has been remodelled. A resident reported that lorries are still using the Warwick Road and having difficulty turning around.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to bring this to the attention of County Highways Road Safety Team.

(c) Banbury Road layby update

Cllr. Morisot reported that NFU has sent a letter to the County Council. 2 meetings have taken place; 1 with county officers and 1 with the Police. She said that NFU has not received a reply to their letter.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to find out why County Highways has not responded to NFU.

A resident reported that Police surveillance signs have been erected and cameras will follow.

(d) Link road gateway update

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to find out when this work will take place.

(e) New scheme road markings update

County Cllr. Williams reported that Danny Green has sent an email to the Clerk with dates. The Clerk said that she didn’t recall seeing any dates.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to find out when this work will take place.

(f) New scheme planting update

County Cllr. Williams said that the grass cutting contract for the new scheme has been signed today.

(g) Consultation on Children’s Centres

The Chairman explained the purpose behind the consultation; saving money. The centres are being reduced from 39 to 12. It is proposed that Lighthorne Heath will close with the nearest centre at Alcester. Councillors expressed concern with a new development proposed at Lighthorne Heath with 3000 homes and no transport link to Alcester. Warwickshire has also been Ofsted inspected with a ‘needs improvement’ response. Councillors agreed that there is a real opportunity for the County Council to build on these centres to cater for families and, in the case of Lighthorne Heath, build a medical centre next door funded by section 106 money. The centres should be run as businesses catering for all families. Savings could be made by the County Council by removing the £5,000 community grants and the £30,000 councillor dedicated budget as well as outsourcing county departments. Councillors agreed that Cllr. Conway would draft a response, circulate and submit.

ACTION: Cllr. Conway to draft a response, circulate for comments and submit.

(h) Consultation on local healthwatch

Cllr. Conway asked County Cllr. Williams why the 2 consultations were not being run as one which would no doubt save money. County Cllr. Williams said that healthwatch is carried out every year. It was agreed that Cllrs. Conway and Fowle would draft a response, circulate to councillors and submit.

ACTION: Cllrs. Conway and Fowle to draft a response, circulate to councillors and submit.

8. To receive planning applications

(a) 17/01707/FUL - Gaydon Test Centre

Councillors discussed this application. The Clerk was asked to find out if there are any lights. If there are lights then the Parish Council agreed to object. No lights then they would comment requesting additional planting to the south of the building.

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the Planning Officer.

(b) 16/02045/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover

Councillors agreed not to object or comment.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Officer.

(c) planning appeal 17/00322/ADV - British Motor Museum


(d) 17/00190/LBC - Gaydon Inn (amendment)

This application was discussed and Cllr. Conway showed surprise that Oak was being used instead of Elm. The Clerk was asked to bring this to the attention of the conservation officer. Councillors agreed unanimously that they would like as much of the grade II building to remain as possible. This application is a huge improvement on the previous one.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Conservation Officer.

9. To receive results from planning applications

(a) 17/01055/FUL - Cherrytrees, Kineton Road; withdrawn

(b) 17/01114/FUL - British Motor Museum; granted

10. To receive any correspondence

(a) complaint re. material displayed on noticeboard

The Clerk explained that the board is divided between the Village Hall Committee and the Parish Council. A note has been placed in the magazine. The Clerk was asked to put a note on the noticeboard.

ACTION: The Clerk to place a note on the Parish Council side of the board.

(b) Complaint re. 50mph signage

See item 6(a).

(c) County Councillors grant fund

See item 6(a).

(d) Complaints re. closure of Warwick Road footway/cycleway

The Chairman explained that County Highways have stipulated that this footway/cycleway should be closed for safety reasons.

A resident told the Parish Council her safety concerns regarding the sharing of a footway on a busy, noisy road with cyclists and pedestrians. As a pedestrian you can’t hear the cyclists as they approach and they do not appear to have any bells to alert pedestrians. It was agreed that the cyclists should have been diverted on to the road with the pedestrians on the footway or the footway divided and marked by a white line. County Cllr. Williams was asked to bring this to the attention of County Highways Road Safety Team. Cllr. Conway was thanked by the Chairman for investigating this issue and responding to concerns raised by residents.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to bring this to the attention of the Road Safety Team.

11. Financial report/administration

(a) Bank balances

The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £7,841.48 and Business Account - £10,613.15.

(b) Clerk’s training

The Clerk reported that she has attended a training course on the audit regulations and the transparency code.

12. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Conway, seconded by Cllr. Morisot and carried unanimously.

(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (July) – £279.21

(b) Robert Lunn and Lowth - increase in insurance for field plus land registry fee - £18.00

13. Date of next meeting

5th September 2017 at 7.30pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.45pm.