1. Apologies for absent

No apologies received.

County Cllr. Williams explained that, as a member of the Planning Committee, he must not take part in this item so would leave the meeting. The Chairman asked if councillors would object if we raised a couple of issues with County Cllr. Williams before he leaves. There was no objection.

3. Questions from the public

The Chairman explained that he has been approached by residents regarding the parking of trucks on the ‘blocked up’ Warwick Road. County Cllr. Williams advised that residents should record the registration numbers and pass to the Police. This matter should also be raised at the next Community Forum. The Chairman explained that this matter is for the County Council since it was raised when the plans were produced by County Highways for the new dual carriageway. County Cllr. Williams agreed to look into this issue.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to address this issue with County Highways and respond to the Chairman.

8.40pm County Cllr. Williams leaves the meeting.

2. Mr. McGrath and Mr. Simon Lily from Templederry Developments for land off the Warwick Road

Mr. McGrath explained that a planning application has been submitted for 3 dwellings on this site. Plans were shown to the meeting. It was agreed that 2 of the dwellings are situated too close to the boundary with Windyridge which has livestock. This could cause noise, odour and health issues for the new owners. Mr. McGrath said that they will not compromise the Wellingtonia trees. One of the dwellings is a bungalow. Councillors welcomed this news. It was pointed out that the ditch along the Warwick Road overflows and Mr. McGrath made a note of this. Concern was also expressed about drainage which was noted. The Chairman thanked the 2 gentlemen for attending the meeting.

3. Questions from the public

Concern was expressed about the flooding in the village from the land behind the Kineton Road. The Chairman said that we will be meeting with JLR to discuss this. District Cllr. Kettle said that flooding is taken into account with all planning applications. He said that he understands that the planning officer does not think that the ponds included in the JLR planning applications are sufficient. Developers have to ensure that the land stays the same or is improved. All flooding issues should be reported to Paul Rimen the County Flood Officer for this area.

Another resident reported the sewage works on the Banbury Road overflowing. The Clerk said that this matter should be reported to Severn Trent, environmental health and Paul Rimen at the County Council. It was further agreed that the parish should try to keep a record of flooding instances. Cllr. Lewis to look at whether this would be possible on the new website.

ACTION: Cllr. Lewis to look at including a recording system for flooding on the website.

A resident from Gaydon Barns asked if the Parish Council would have any objections to a small sign being erected near the pond saying ‘Gaydon Barns’. Councillors agreed that they would have no objections.

It was reported that Lighthorne Heath Parish Council has been spraying dog waste to alert owners to the problem. They claim to have had an 80% reduction since starting this. Councillors agreed that it is a shame that we have irresponsible dog owners but something must be done.

ACTION: May agenda item

4. Declarations of Interest

Cllr. Claxton declared a pecuniary interest in items 10(c) as a contractor who has submitted a quote. Cllr. Lewis declared a personal interest in item 6(c) as a member of the traffic WP.

5. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (March 2016)

The Clerk had circulated the minutes prior to the meeting. Cllr. Hughes proposed that they be signed, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.

6. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings

(a) Community Project for Balfour Beatty update

The Clerk reported that the grinding of the stump and reseeding will take place on 14th April. Cllr. Claxton said that he would be able to meet with Balfour Beatty and the contractor.

(b) Community Project for Osbornes update

Cllr. Morisot said that she has not been able to contact Osbornes but will pursue.

ACTION: Cllr. Morisot to chase Osbornes.

(c) Traffic WP

Cllr. Lewis reported that she will be organising the installing of the 5 monitors. She is hoping to mark out the locations for County Highways.

A speed gun has been found that we are able to use at no extra cost.

Community Speedwatch forms will be passed to the Police shortly.

The timetable for the 285 bus will be changed so as it stops at the Kineton Road bus stop and not in Church Road.

(d) Church Lane field update

The Clerk reported that our solicitor is still waiting for the information on the new access arrangements from the landowner’s solicitor.

(e) Gaydon Inn Paddocks development; to name the 2 roads

It was agreed that residents should take part in this. The Clerk had circulated to councillors prior to the meeting a list of names provided by residents for these roads. The names were passed to everyone in the meeting and they were asked to select 2. The Clerk and Cllr. Claxton collected the requests and passed to the Chairman. The Chairman and Clerk recorded the most requests and announced the names as Valiant Close and Victor Close for the paddock.

ACTION: The Clerk to forward these names to the District Council

(f) Play area land; update from meeting with Orbit Housing and registration of land with Land Registry

Cllr. Morisot said that she met with Mr. David Rees from Orbit Housing. He said that the garages are in good repair so he believes Orbit will try and sell them as garages. A decision will be made later this year.

Councillors agreed that the play area land should be registered with Land Registry under adverse possession since we have been maintaining it for at least 40 years. It was agreed that the Chairman would look at the form before sending to Land Registry.

ACTION: The Clerk to forward the completed form to the Chairman and then send to Land Registry

(g) Banbury Road layby environmental health issues; response from Environmental Health and the County Council

The Clerk reported that responses have been received from Environmental Health who have visited the layby and placed the matter in the hands of the custodian owners; County Council. The response received from the County Council is unacceptable. It was agreed that the Chairman would try and arrange a site meeting with Paul Cowley from County Highways. ACTION: The Chairman to meet with Mr. Cowley from County Highways.

(h) Jaguar Land Rover planning application; update on lighting condition

The Clerk to request that this is added to the Gaydon Liaison Committee Meeting agenda.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for this to be added to the Gaydon Liaison Committee Meeting agenda.

(i) Clean for the Queen; feedback

The Chairman thanked Mr. Rickman, Mr. Pickering and his own family for assisting.

(j) Increase in number of councillors; update

The Clerk reported that this is on the District Council agenda for 25th April. It was agreed that Cllr. Morisot would present the petition to the District Council at this meeting and a question would be submitted. The Chairman to circulate ` a draft question to councillors.

ACTION: The Chairman to circulate a draft question to councillors for comments and approval. The Clerk to arrange for Cllr. Morisot to be registered to attend the meeting.

(k) Warwick Road; request for grit bin

The Chairman said that County Highways have confirmed that the Parish Council would have to pay for this bin but that they couldn’t justify filling it since there are not many houses on this section of road.

(l) Jaguar Land Rover; request for meeting to discuss planning applications update

The Clerk reported that we will be contacted once they have produced the amended reports. It was agreed that the Chairman and Cllr. Claxton should attend this meeting.

(m) WALC Stratford Area Committee update

Cllr. Hughes said that he did not attend this meeting to update this committee on our traffic concerns.

7. To receive planning applications

(a) 16/00391/VARY - Gaydon Service Station (additional report)

Cllr. Claxton had circulated prior to the meeting a report on this matter. Councillors agreed unanimously that Cllr. Claxton’s report should be submitted but with an additional sentence stating that the economic benefit does not outweigh the social impact and environmental issues associated with longer opening hours. The report states 23 cars used the garage between 11pm and 6am with 21 cars recorded on another day.

(b) 16/00796/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover

No comments or objections

(c) 16/00173/FUL - Hillside

Councillors discussed this application and agreed to object for the following reasons: the Design and Access Statement gives the impression that these houses have been designed for a town, overdevelopment of a limited plot, too much planting being removed, substantial amount of levelling required and no reference as to how it will be retained on the Highfields House side, lack of privacy for Highfields House, parking inadequate with cars having to reverse on to the Kineton Road and no reference to green credentials.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to Planning.

(d) 16/00508/VARY - Gaydon Inn (amendment)

No comments or objections.

(e) 15/03544/OUT - The Old House, Church Road (amendment)

Councillors agreed to raise no comments or objections to this amendment. However, they asked the Clerk if she could make Planning aware that they agree with the conservation officer in his view that the new dwellings must be subservient to The Old House. Concern was also expressed regarding flooding, the ditch and removal of trees which should be addressed in the full application.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to Planning.

8. To receive results of planning applications

(a) 14/02195/OUT - land south of Kineton Road; granted

9. To receive correspondence

(a) emails re. flooding

The Chairman said that on the day of the heavy shower he walked the village with Cllr. Claxton. All flooding concerns should be reported to the Clerk.

(b) Wellesbourne Safer Neighbourhood Team Report

Circulated via email.

(c) email re. litter

The Clerk said that she has forwarded this to the District Council. It was further agreed that a large number of Costa cups had been collected. The closest Costa Shops are at JLR. It was agreed that this would be added to the Gaydon Liaison Committee agenda. The Chairman said that he was unable to attend. It was agreed that Cllrs. Claxton and Hughes would attend.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for this item to be added to the agenda.

(d) email re. Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations

The Village Hall Committee will be opening the hall on 11th June for celebrations. It was agreed that Cllrs. Morisot and Lewis would liaise with the Committee to try and organise events.

ACTION: Cllrs. Morisot and Lewis to liaise with the Village Hall Committee

(e) Core Strategy Main Modification Consultation

The Clerk said that this document is in the office. It was agreed that all councillors should review and pass comments to the Chairman.

ACTION: All councillors to review this document and to pass comments to the Chairman. The Chairman to incorporate the comments into a draft document.

(f) Balfour Beatty; M40 works will be completed in the summer


The Chairman asked District Cllr. Kettle if he had any information from the District Council. District Cllr. Kettle said that there has been no discussion on unifying on the District Council. He has been assured that there has been no discussion on combining Gaydon, Lighthorne Heath, Lighthorne and Chesterton to become a town. Mr. Lankester has left the Council and his workload has been split between David Buckland and Dave Webb. The Council will still be pursuing the sharing of services with other authorities. The revenue support grant will be disappearing. Gaydon is below the average precept. District Cllr. Kettle said that he would not be able to attend the next meeting as he is due to have an operation and will probably be recovering. Councillors thanked him for his help and wished him well.

10. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Bank balances

The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £5,674.25 and Business Account - £10,605.27

(b) Website; to agree to adopt the new website

Cllr. Hughes said that he has looked at the new website and it is good. It was agreed that the new website should be adopted. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Lewis for setting this up and agreeing to administer it. He also thanked Mr. Rickman for updating the village website for us. It was agreed that the Chairman would liaise with Mr. Rickman regarding moving the parish documentation to the new website.

ACTION: The Chairman to liaise with Mr. Rickman.

Cllr. Claxton did not take part in this discussion

(c) Quotes for benches refurbishment and clarification update

The Clerk said that her question regarding materials used and request for refurbishment quotes instead of repairs has been refused as Mr. Fox has too much work at the moment. Councillors requested that the Clerk ask Mr. Fox to repair the benches and bus shelter seat per his quote.

ACTION: The Clerk to ask Mr. Fox to repair the benches plus bus shelter seat.

The bench by the garages on St. Mark’s Close is now broken. The Liddington bench requires attention. Cllr. Hughes said that he would look at these benches and report to the next meeting.

ACTION: Cllr. Hughes to look at these benches and report to May’s meeting.

(d) To review the cemetery fees

The Clerk was asked to obtain fees for Bishop’s Itchington cemetery and Kineton cemetery.

ACTION: The Clerk to obtain fees for other cemeteries and forward to councillors.

(e) LED Lighting update

ACTION: May agenda item.

11. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Morisot, seconded by Cllr. Lewis and carried unanimously.

(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (April) – £273.70

(b) Mr. J. Rickman - reimbursement for website domain name fee - £51.06

12. Date of next meeting

Tuesday, 3rd May 2016 at 7.45pm

The Chairman closed the meeting at 11.10pm.