1. Apologies for absent

Cllrs. Brine (business commitment) and Morisot (business commitment).

2. Questions from the public

A resident asked if a grit bin could be installed on the Warwick Road as it will no longer be gritted.

ACTION: The Clerk to forward this request to County Highways.

Concern was expressed about the rise in air pollution caused by the increased traffic in the village. It was agreed that a request for the levels to be assessed and monitored in the village should be made to Environmental Health once the roadworks have finished.

ACTION: The Clerk to request in June.

A resident asked if noise levels could also be monitored. It was agreed that this should be requested once the dual carriageway has been completed.

ACTION: The Clerk to request in June.

It was reported that the District Council website is unavailable and so it has not been possible to view the JLR planning applications.

Concern was expressed regarding the JLR planning applications regarding drainage. The Chairman explained that we have requested a meeting with JLR as we have a number of questions. The resident asked if they could be included in the meeting.

ACTION: The Clerk to place a notice on the noticeboard advertising the meeting.

3. Declarations of Interest

Cllr. Claxton declared a pecuniary interest in items 10(c) as a contractor who has submitted a quote. Cllr. Lewis declared a personal interest in item 5(c) as a member of the traffic WP.

4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (February 2016)

The Clerk had circulated the minutes prior to the meeting. Cllr. Lewis proposed that they be signed, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.

5. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings

(a) Community Project for Balfour Beatty update

The Clerk reported that details of 2 tree surgeons have been passed to Balfour Beatty.

(b) Community Project for Osbornes update

No new update.

ACTION: April agenda item.

(c) Traffic WP to consider supporting the recommendations contained in the report

Cllr. Lewis briefly updated the meeting. She confirmed that the speed monitors can cover both sides of the road. Councillors agreed that 5 monitors should be installed in Gaydon at a cost of no more than £500; 2 on the Kineton Road, 2 on the Banbury Road and the location of the fifth to be determined by the working group. It is cheaper to install 5 monitors instead of 4.

ACTION: Cllr. Lewis to organise the installing of the 5 monitors.

The Chairman said that a traffic survey has taken place on the Banbury Road to determine whether to reduce the speed to 50mph. County Cllr. Williams said that this is because there was an accident at the camp and on the bridge.

County Cllr. Williams reported that Wellesbourne Community Forum purchased a speed gun some time ago. It was agreed that the Clerk would ask the Police to locate this gun.

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the Police and the Community Forum to try and find the speed gun.

Cllr. Lewis reported that she has received some of the completed forms from the community speedwatch volunteers. Once she has all of them she will forward to the Police and try to arrange training. Lighthorne Parish Council has jackets and signs that we could borrow and a speed gun if necessary. It was agreed that Cllr. Lewis should ask Lighthorne if we could borrow the speed gun and signs. A resident said that there are jackets in the parish office.

ACTION: Cllr. Lewis to liaise with Lighthorne Parish Council Community Speedwatch Officer

It has been reported that the 285 school bus enters Gaydon via the Kineton Road and leaves Gaydon via the Kineton Road. Councillors agreed that the best place for this bus to stop would be at the bus stop on the Kineton Road instead of turning into Church Road and stopping by the Village Hall. Most evenings it stops at the bus stop on the Kineton Road. County Cllr. Williams was asked if he would discuss this matter with County Highways.

ACTION: Cllr. Lewis to forward details to County Cllr. Williams. County Cllr. Williams to liaise with County Highways to arrange for the 285 bus to stop on the Kineton Road.

(d) Church Lane field to consider supporting the proposal for the accesses to the field

The Chairman had circulated a revised plan showing separate entrances to both sides of the field. The plan has been agreed with the other landowner. Cllr. Hughes proposed that the plan be agreed, seconded Cllr. Lewis and carried unanimously. The Clerk was asked to contact our solicitor.

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with our solicitor.

(e) Gaydon Inn Paddocks development; to consider applying for funding towards play equipment

It was agreed that the Parish Council should apply for funding towards play equipment.

ACTION: The Clerk to forward the request to the Planning Department.

(f) Play area land; update from meeting with Orbit Housing and registration of land with Land Registry

It was reported that Cllr. Morisot met with Orbit Housing. Cllr. Lewis said that she has completed as much as she is able of the Land Registry application. The Chairman said that he would now look at the form and then pass to the Clerk.

ACTION: The Chairman to look at the form and then pass to the Clerk. (g) Banbury Road layby environmental health issues; reported

The Clerk confirmed that this has been reported to the District Council.

(h) Footpath; sinking at the stile update

Cllr. Hughes said that he has filled part of this land to raise it and he will be checking it.

(i) Jaguar Land Rover planning application; update on lighting condition

ACTION: April agenda item.

(j) Clean for the Queen; 10am on 5th March

Meeting outside the Village Hall. The Clerk said that a notice has been placed on the noticeboard, in the magazine, the website and facebook.

(k) M40 junction 12 northbound slip closures; significant delays to school buses

Councillors agreed that the closing of the northbound slip road at 7am was causing major traffic problems on the Banbury Road. The 271 school bus enters Gaydon via Banbury Road and then has to negotiate the road works past JLR. The delays to this bus were significant and so the Clerk was asked to liaise with Highways England to arrange for the slip road to be closed at 7.30am instead of 7am.

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with County Highways regarding the closure of the northbound slip road.

6. To receive report from District Councillor

(a) To receive report

The District Council has elected to join the West Midlands Combined Authority. On the 6th June it will become a real entity. We do have the ability to withdraw if we see no benefit in it. We currently share legal and IT services with Cherwell District Council and Northamptonshire. The District Council will now need to set up IT and legal support. There will be a District Council Tax increase of £5 for the year. The Chief Executive will be voluntarily retiring on 31st March. He will be replaced by 2 senior officers supported by 4 heads of services.

(b) GLH traffic infrastructure; feedback from meeting with County Council

District Cllr. Kettle reported that the developer had submitted another traffic assessment but sent it to the County Council instead of the District Council. This report has not yet been made available to the public. The Supplementary Planning Document can’t be updated until the Core Strategy has been adopted. This is likely to be in July but there must be a further period of public consultation. The planning application for the 2000 houses can’t be considered until after the Supplementary Planning Document and the Core Strategy have been approved.

(c) Draft Supplementary Planning Document; response submitted

The Clerk confirmed that the response approved by councillors has been submitted. A copy is on the website.

(d) Request to increase number of councillors to 7; submitted

County Cllr. Williams said that this request will need to be considered by the Audit Committee.

(e) Tree preservation order; Old Vicarage, Warwick Road update

District Cllr. Kettle said that he has written to the tree preservation officer who is of the belief that any damage to the trees will be protected by the planning conditions. She is unable to place TPO’s on them because of her current workload.

7. To receive report from County Councillor

(a) To receive report

A copy of the report is attached to these minutes.

(b) Request for invitation to opening event

ACTION: April agenda item.

(c) Warwick Road ditch; maintenance

County Cllr. Williams said that this ditch is the responsibility of the adjacent landowner.

(d) New dual carriageway; lighting issues plus delay in work schedule

County Cllr. Williams said that the completion of the road is on schedule for June and it has always been June. The Chairman asked if the signage could be changed to reflect the works will be finished in June and not Spring. County Cllr. Williams said that the cost is too much to do this. He also said that the lighting has not been finished. When it is finished it will be better than normal lighting. A resident said that some of the lights could have shields fitted before the road is opened. County Cllr. Williams said that he has great belief in the new road and will let us know where similar lights have been installed.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to let us know where similar lights have been installed.

(e) Banbury Road to County Border; speed reduction notice

See item 5(c).

9.20pm County Cllr. Williams leaves the meeting.

8. To receive planning applications

(a) 16/00460/FUL - Gemini House, Church Road

Councillors agreed to raise no comments or objections.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

(b) 16/00391/VARY - Gaydon Service Station

This application was discussed and councillors agreed to object for the following reasons: impact on the character of Gaydon Village, impact on listed buildings (Gaydon Inn), no justification for 24 hour opening, additional light pollution (we have already received complaints regarding the bright lights), increase in litter (we have already received complaints about the increase in litter on Pimple Lane), potential increase in crime, increase in noise in a residential area.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

(c) 16/00294/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover

Councillors agreed that more information is required before they can consider any of the JLR planning applications. The Clerk confirmed that she has requested a meeting with JLR and is awaiting a response. Councillors did agree, that in view of the continual increase in numbers of staff on this site, JLR should be asked to contribute towards traffic calming. They have never contributed towards traffic calming in this village and these applications state that the numbers of staff will be increasing yet again. The Clerk said that she has liaised with County Highways who have proposed a figure of £100,000 to cover a feasibility study followed by necessary works. They have said that traffic calming on the Banbury Road could be achieved easily but the Kineton Road would be more difficult hence the £100,000 estimate. We would also like to see them encouraging their employees to use the buses by purchasing, installing and maintaining a bus shelter outside their site. Also more encouragement for staff to cycle to work by JLR investing in cycleways from local villages like Kineton, Bishop’s Itchington and Temple Herdwyke.

ACTION: The Clerk to forward these suggestions to Neil Hempstead at the District Council.

(d) 16/00295/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover

See item 8(c).

(e) 16/00296/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover

See item 8 (c).

(f) 16/00288/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover

See item 8(c).

9. To receive correspondence

(a) Gaydon Inn Development; to consider naming 2 roads

The Clerk confirmed that a note has been placed in the magazine asking residents for suggestions.

ACTION: April agenda item.

(b) WALC newsletter

Circulated to councillors via email.

(c) WALC Stratford Area Meeting; 23rd March (attendees plus agenda items)

Councillors agreed that an agenda item should be a senior Highways Officer talking about how County Highways is going to protect villages from the volume and speed of traffic. It was agreed that Cllr. Hughes would attend this meeting.

ACTION: April agenda item.

(d) Wellesbourne Safer Neighbourhood Team Report

Circulated via email.

(e) email regarding traffic

The Chairman said that this will be reviewed once the dual carriageway has opened. However, it was acknowledged that all villages in Warwickshire should receive the same level of support from County Highways regarding the traffic issues being generated by JLR.

(f) WCC’s Chairman’s Open Evening; 27th February

The Chairman attended and he said that it was worthwhile.

10. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Bank balances

The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £5,465.43 and Business Account - £10,605.27

(b) Website update

ACTION: Cllr. Hughes to look at the website and pass comments to Cllr. Lewis.

(c) Quotes for benches refurbishment and clarification update

ACTION: April agenda item

(d) Transparency Fund; grant received.

The Clerk confirmed that a grant has been received.

(e) LED Lighting update

ACTION: April agenda item.

(f) To review the annual insurance

Councillors agreed to renew the policy with Zunich Municipal.

(g) To review the cemetery fees

ACTION: April agenda item.

11. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Hughes, seconded by Cllr. Lewis and carried unanimously.

(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (March) – £273.70

(b) Mrs. C. Hill - expenses (Jan-Mar) - £32.00

(c) Mr. C. Pickering - grass cutting - £105.00

(d) Zunich Municipal - annual insurance - £251.85

12. Date of next meeting

Tuesday, 5th April 2016.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.10pm.