PRESENT: COUNCILLORS J. BRINE (CHAIRMAN), S. ALDER (until 10.25pm), A. CLAXTON, T. HUGHES, D. MORISOT (until 10.25pm), COUNTY COUNCILLOR C. WILLIAMS (from 8.55pm until 10.10pm), DISTRICT COUNCILLOR C. KETTLE, C. HILL (Clerk) and 9 members of the public

1. Apologies for absence

Apologies received from County Cllr. Williams who will be arriving later.

2. Questions from the public

A resident asked how the fire service based at Aston Martin was going to meet their response times during rush hour? The Chairman explained that County Cllr. Williams would be joining the meeting later and might be able to answer this question.

The Chairman asked if all questions relating to the County Council could wait until the arrival of Cllr. Williams.

It was noted that the flagpole needs painting. The Clerk was asked to arrange for a quote.

3. Declarations of Interest

No interests were declared.

4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (October 2015)

The Clerk had circulated the minutes prior to the meeting. Cllr. Alder proposed that they be signed, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.

5. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings

(a) New dual carriageway plus M40 junction improvements; compensation

The Chairman reported that concern has been expressed about the size and location of the signage; behind trees and telegraph pole. The street lights will have shields fitted, be dimmed and turned off at midnight.

ACTION: December agenda item.

(b) Neighbourhood Plan; to discuss next steps

The Chairman explained that he believed we should be addressing 3 elements; housing, recreational provision and traffic. Cllr. Morisot said that we should be involving residents because the workload is too heavy. Cllrs. Alder and Hughes agreed to work on the traffic element. Cllr. Morisot would be involved in the recreational provision element with the Chairman and Cllr. Claxton looking at housing.

ACTION: Councillors to try and engage with 4 or 5 residents to join the working parties.

(c) Bids from GLH that might benefit the village

Councillors agreed that the return of the milestone to Gaydon should be listed as well as the £1500 required to repair the War Memorial and a review of signage and lighting. With a safe walking/cycle route to Kineton if no secondary school is provided at GLH.

ACTION: The Clerk to forward to the Planning Department.

(d) Community Project for Balfour Beatty update

The Clerk reported that Balfour Beatty have declined our request for improvements to the Banbury Road lay-by as they do not think it will benefit residents. Councillors agreed that we should ask if they would consider removing some of the planting making it safer which would benefit residents. They have said that the removal of the tree stump on the green might be a suitable project. We have requested that a resident be involved in this operation if they agree. The Clerk said that it was necessary to find another project for Balfour Beatty in case they refuse the lay-by again. Councillors agreed that installing gates on the link road, Kineton Road and Banbury Road to make drivers aware that they are entering a village might help with the speed of traffic. Residents and councillors agreed that this would be good for the village.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to Balfour Beatty.

(e) Total 20mph; to consider information received from resident and next steps

The Chairman reported that a resident has sent information to councillors relating to this scheme. It was agreed that this should be looked at by the NP working party. It was further agreed that traffic data would be required. District Cllr. Kettle suggested that County Highways Officers should be engaged. He also said that he would arrange for a transport assessment report to be forwarded to councillor

ACTION: Cllrs. Alder and Hughes to organise. Cllr. Kettle to arrange for a transport assessment report to be forwarded to councillors.

(f) WALC Liaison Meeting feedback

The Chairman and Cllr. Morisot attended this meeting. Both agreed that it was very worthwhile. The Chairman said that most parishes are in agreement that speed limits through villages should be reduced. We are hoping that WALC will be taking this forward.

ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with WALC

(g) Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan Implementation Options; response submitted

The Chairman thanked Cllr. Alder for drafting a response which was approved and submitted.

(h) Flood Risk Workshop feedback

Cllr. Claxton attended the workshop. He said that he would circulate a note on the workshop and arrange for it to be displayed on the website.

ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to circulate a note on the workshop and arrange for it to be displayed on the website.

(j) SDC Planning Training feedback

Cllr. Claxton attended training. He said that it wasn’t that worthwhile.

6. To receive report from District Councillor

8.55pm County Cllr. Williams arrives

(a) To receive report

District Cllr. Kettle advised the Parish Council, if they believed there was still a safety issue with the Cottage Farm access, to pursue it. Parish Councils can question responses from County Highways.

The Parish Council will be receiving shortly additional information relating to the GLH planning application. 2 residents volunteered to assist the Parish Council with this documentation. The Chairman thanked them for their offers of help and it was agreed that he would meet with them.

ACTION: The Chairman to meet with the 2 residents to review this documentation.

(b) Community Infrastructure Levy Consultation

District Cllr. Kettle said that he would forward some notes on this subject to councillors. Cllrs. Alder and Hughes agreed to draft a response and to liaise with the resident who helped respond to the last CIL consultation.

ACTION: Cllrs. Alder and Hughes to draft a response and circulate to councillors. Cllr. Kettle to forward notes to councillors.

(c) Applications for housing in LSV update

District Cllr. Kettle said that he understood that housing would be approved if the 5 year housing supply figure had not been met.

7. To receive report from County Councillor

(a) To receive report

A copy of the report is attached to these minutes.

(b) Flood Risk Consultation

The Chairman thanked the resident for assisting with this. It was agreed that Cllr. Claxton would draft a response.

ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to draft a response for approval and then to submit.

(c) New dual carriageway; compensation, update from meeting regarding hedging and drainage, lighting reduction measures, signage plus update on invitation to opening event

County Cllr. Williams said that residents can not make a claim until the road has been open for a year. He agreed to provide further information on this for the website.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to provide further guidance on compensation for the website.

County Cllr. Williams said that he will be putting in a request for a member of the Parish Council to attend the road opening event.

County Cllr. Williams agreed to make County Highways aware that the Parish Council does not want the trees cut back or removed on the Kineton Road to show the signage. The signage should be moved.

Cllr. Claxton said that he and a resident met with Danny Green from County Highways and Osbornes regarding the removal of additional hedging. It has been agreed that minimum hedging will be removed for the drainage pipe to be laid. The drainage system on the Warwick Road was also discussed. A resident explained the system which appeared to disagree with the plans Cllr. Claxton had been shown. It was agreed that Cllr. Claxton would investigate further.

ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to investigate the Warwick Road drainage system and to liaise with the resident.

(d) To consider a response to the Traffic Regulation Orders in respect of the new dual carriageway

The Chairman thanked Cllr. Williams for assisting with responses to our questions. Councillors agreed that the Chairman would draft a response, circulate to councillors and ask the Clerk to submit.

ACTION: The Chairman to draft a response, circulate to councillors and ask the Clerk to submit.

(e) Warwickshire Minerals Plan Consultation

It was agreed that Cllr. Alder would draft a response to this, circulate to councillors and ask the Clerk to submit.

ACTION: Cllr. Alder to draft a response, circulate to councillors and ask the Clerk to submit.

The Chairman asked the meeting if he could rearrange the agenda to permit County Cllr. Williams to answer a resident’s questions. There was no objection.

2. Questions from the Public

A resident asked about the location of the new Fire Station in view of the heavy traffic on the B4100 during rush hours and if a sustainability assessment had been carried out. County Cllr. Williams said that the fire station has been operating for 6 months without any issues and that a sustainability assessment had been carried out.

Concern was expressed that an EIA had not been carried out before the new dual carriageway had been approved.

The issue of traffic was raised and the Chairman said that the ‘whole picture’ needs addressing. County Cllr. Williams pointed out that the District Council was responsible for planning applications. District Cllr. Kettle said that traffic was raised at the meeting with developers and County Highways. The County Highways Officer present at the meeting was unable to answer the questions but agreed to report back. He is still waiting for a response. County Cllr. Williams said that the Community Forum is where this question should be addressed. Cllr. Kettle agreed but said that the tight timeframe on this application makes this impossible. County Cllr. Williams agreed to try and arrange a meeting for the Chairman with senior County Highways Officers.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to try and arrange a meeting for the Chairman with senior County Highways Officers.

10.10pm County Cllr. Williams leaves the meeting.

8. To receive reports from councillors - updates following the last meeting/circulated reports

(a) Cemetery

(i) To receive report.

A report is attached to these minutes. A letter has been received from a resident commenting on how well maintained the cemetery is at the moment.

(ii) WI tree update

A request has been received for 2 trees. This was agreed. Our contractor has agreed to help residents plant the trees and to move the plaque.

(iii) RAF Headstones; reported

The Clerk confirmed that she has reported these.

(b) Lights/Litter/Street Furniture

(i) To receive report

The light behind Briars Cottage was reported.

ACTION: The Clerk to contact Street Lighting.

(c) Play area

(i) To receive report

A report is attached to these minutes.

(ii) Play area inspection report

2 benches need attention. The Elderflower bush by the gate needs removing.

(iii) Ownership of play area land; clerk to check with Land Registry

ACTION: December agenda item

(iv) Questionnaire

Cllr. Morisot has circulated questions. Councillors to respond.

ACTION: December agenda item.

10.25pm Cllrs. Alder and Morisot leave the meeting.

(d) Drains

(i) To receive report

Cllr. Claxton reported that the drain by Church View was backing up. It has been cleared by Severn Trent but Cllr. Claxton said that he would be keeping an eye on this. The sucker lorry visited the Village but did not clear the drains on the Warwick Road because the road was closed.

ACTION: The Clerk to ask County Highways to arrange for these drains to be cleared.

(e) Footpaths/footways

(i) To receive report

A copy of the report is attached to these minutes. Cllr. Hughes said that there is an overgrown hedge which is making it difficult to access a footpath. It was agreed that Cllr. Hughes should liaise with a resident to find out if it would be OK to cut back this hedge.

ACTION: Cllr. Hughes to find out if he could cut back the hedge.

(f) Neighbourhood Watch

(i) Community Forum update

Cllr. Hughes attended the meeting and brought to the attention of the Police the issue with cars blocking footways.

(g) Gaydon Liaison Meeting

(i) 12th October minutes circulated

(h) War Memorial

(i) Grant update

The Clerk said that she is still trying to secure a second quote.

(i) Telephone box green; repairs

Cllr. Claxton said that this no longer needs repairing.

9. To receive planning applications

(a) Planning application no. 15/03687/TEL56 - Gaydon Hill Farm

Councillors agreed to raise no comments or objections.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department.

(b) Planning application no. 15/03646/FUL - Jaguar Land Rover

The Chairman pointed out that 16 car spaces would be lost. It was agreed that the Parish Council should comment and request that replacement spaces be made available before this application is approved.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department

10. To receive correspondence

(a) Invitation to Chesterton 1000 houses development update

Cllr. Claxton attended and said that he raised the issue of traffic.

(b) Planning application no. 15/03061/FUL Cottage Farm, Banbury Road Highways update

Councillors agreed that there is still a safety issue.

ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department

(c) Spotlight on our Communities; 2nd December

(d) JLR footpath

Cllr. Claxton said that this was mentioned at the Liaison Meeting. JLR explained that they do not want anyone walking on their land for security reasons.

ACTION: Cllr. Claxton to respond to the resident who requested this.

(e) Balfour Beatty quarterly newsletter

Copies should be placed in the shop.

(f) Damage to driveway on Warwick Road

Cllr. Claxton said that this was mentioned to County Highways when he met with them. They have since said that if the damage was caused by a JLR car transporter then they should repair it. The resident is aware of this response.

11. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Bank balances

The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £7,435.76 and Business Account - £10,603.42

(b) Bank reconciliation

The Clerk to circulate to councillors.

ACTION: The Clerk to circulate to councillors.

(c) Website

The Clerk said that she has received 2 quotes for website design.

(d) 2016 grass cutting contract

ACTION: The Clerk to forward the grass cutting contract to the Chairman and Cllr. Morisot

(e) Transparency Fund

ACTION: December agenda item

(f) Training

The Clerk said that we are waiting for places on the next induction course for Cllrs. Claxton and Morisot.

12. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Claxton, seconded by Cllr. Hughes and carried unanimously.

(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (November) – £273.70

(b) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £165.00

(c) e.on - street lighting - £215.54

(d) Stratford District Council - election fees - £396.51

13. Date of next meeting

Tuesday, 1st December 2015.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.45pm.