1. Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllr. Morisot (work commitment).

2. Questions from the public

A resident asked if the Parish Council could request that the orchids, in the field near the motorway junction, be protected whilst improvements are being carried out to the junction. The resident said that he would be willing to meet with the contractor to point out the location.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for Balfour Beatty to meet with the resident.

The milestone on the Bishop’s Itchington Road has been fenced but a resident said that he would like assurances from the County Council contractors that it will be inspected once the dual carriageway is complete and any repairs and cleaning arranged by this contractor.

ACTION: The Clerk to forward this request to Danny Green at County Highways.

The ‘missing Gaydon milestone’ was mentioned and a resident requested that it be returned to Gaydon. County Cllr. Williams said that it is not possible to have this milestone returned and that this matter is closed. It was agreed that the Chairman would look at the file and meet with the resident to discuss further.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for the file to be in the office for the Chairman to review. The Chairman to then arrange to meet with the resident.

A resident pointed out that in the draft Core Strategy Gaydon is listed as a deprived development. We need section 106 payments to purchase some land for community use.

A drone has been seen flying over the village in the evening on several occasions. It was agreed that the Police should be notified because of the MOD.

ACTION: The Clerk to make the Police aware.

3. Declarations of Interest

Cllr. Claxton declared a personal interest in item 11 as a member of the Gaydon Village Stores Committee.

4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (June 2015)

The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr. Hughes proposed that they be approved, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.

The Chairman asked if the agenda could be rearranged to allow District Cllr. Kettle to report and then attend another engagement. There were no objections.

7. To receive report from District Councillor

(a) To receive report

District Cllr. Kettle reported that on 22nd June the District Council adopted part of the Core Strategy. The inspector was happy with the supply of housing in the local service villages and this policy has been adopted. Gaydon is a category 4 village with an allocation of between 20 to 30 new houses from 2011 until 2031. The housing allocation for the District will rise to approximately 14480 new homes. Long Marsden is now included in the draft Core Strategy with GLH (2300 houses). Public consultation will start in the middle of August. The local transport assessment appears to focus on the impact on Stratford, Southam and Leamington and not on the B4451 or crossing the Fosse. Cllr. Kettle said that he has asked for this to be addressed. The officers will contact us in September or October to arrange a meeting to discuss the GLH proposal.

Bishop’s Itchington Parish Council is trying to arrange training and we are welcome to join them.

ACTION: The Clerk to contact the Clerk.

Cllr. Kettle apologised for not attending the Planning Committee Meeting which discussed Ferndale.

8.35pm District Cllr. Kettle leaves the meeting.

5. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings

(a) 15/01161/OUT - Ferndale, Warwick Road; request for TPOs to be placed on the trees plus update from Planning Committee meeting

The Clerk confirmed that the District Council tree officer is happy to place TPOs on the Wellingtonia trees apart from the 1 which is diseased. Cllr. Hughes provided an update on the Committee Meeting with a decision being deferred until a report has been received from the tree officer. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Hughes for representing the parish at this meeting and residents added their thanks.

6. Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath New Settlement Proposal

The Chairman reported that he has contacted the County Council regarding schooling provision and will be meeting with an officer shortly.

(a) FORSE update

The Chairman said that he has received a FORSE update which he will circulate.

ACTION: The Chairman to circulate.

County Cllr. Williams explained that there was never a formal ‘whip’ on approving GLH. The reason why Long Marsden was not chosen initially was because of the delay in building the houses.

8. To receive report from County Councillor

(a) To receive report

County Cllr. Williams reported that Birmingham Town Council would like to form a combined authority with Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire. They would like to use our land and the County can’t see any benefits in this for us. The County is trying to re-educate the public to make more use of the recycling bins. This would reduce the amount the County pays for disposing of our waste. A resident asked why the labels that have been placed on the bins can’t be recycled? County Cllr. Williams said that this was a District Council matter. Cllr. Alder suggested emptying the recycling bins every week might encourage residents to recycle more. He believes this has happened in Staffordshire. County Cllr. Williams said that there would be a cost implication in this.

County Cllr. Williams explained that he has £5,000 for community projects for his 14 parishes.

The Highways constructions are ahead of schedule and below budget.

9. Councillor’s Reports

(a) Cemetery

(i) To receive report

The Chairman thanked Cllr. Claxton for moving the bins. The Clerk was asked to arrange for a green bin for the cemetery as most of the waste put into the black bin can be recycled.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for a green bin for the cemetery.

(b) Lights/Litter/Street furniture/footways

Cllr. Alder apologised for ‘being out of action’. He said that he has walked the village and produced a report which he would forward to the Clerk. He highlighted that the footways in St. Giles Road are badly in need of repair. The Clerk said that she believed a resident had reported the footways directly to County Highways last year.

He also highlighted the slabs in St. Mark’s Close.

ACTION: The Clerk to contact Orbit Housing.

Light in Church Lane is out.

ACTION: The Clerk to contact the County Council.

In Church Road he noted overhanging hedges and weeds growing through the footways. It was reported that County Highways will be addressing the weed issue prior to the slurry works taking place. Residents expressed concern regarding the slurry work. County Cllr. Williams said that this process does work and has been done in Warwickshire for the last 30 years.

ACTION: The Clerk to find out when the work is taking place and whether it will include St. Giles Road.

Gravelled drives are causing issues for pedestrians with stones on the footways.

ACTION: The Clerk to request in the magazine that stones are swept back on to driveways and that hedges are cut back.

The Chairman suggested putting notes through resident’s doors requesting that they cut back their hedge.

ACTION: The Clerk to draft a note.

The Clerk reported that the Gaydon Inn field hedge will be cut at the end of this month.

(c) Play area

(i) To receive report

The Chairman reported that Cllr. Morisot has been liaising with a resident regarding a 99 year lease on part of the Church Lane field for a play area. This field could also accommodate 2 tennis courts. He explained that a public consultation would take place before moving the play area.

(d) Drains

No new report.

(e) Footpaths

(i) To receive report.

Cllr. Hughes reported that there are no trees down. Some of the stiles need attention and he will be looking into this.

(f) Neighbourhood Watch

It was reported that scrap metal has been stolen from a property.

(g) Gaydon Liaison Meeting

(i) To receive report

Cllr. Claxton had circulated a report prior to this meeting. He said that he has asked about the purchase of land south of the Heritage Centre and made it quite clear that Gaydon would not want development in this area. The JLR representatives were not aware of the purchase of this land and said that they would investigate. JLR are talking to Avon Valley Bowling Club about the end of their lease and are supporting them in finding alternate facilities. JLR will not fund any relocation. Warwick District Council is also assisting them. JLR have no control over the times the car transporters operate. No action yet to replace the trees which have been removed. JLR are having discussions with County Highways regarding an additional lane between the Heritage Centre and the JLR roundabout. A resident reported that traffic surveys are taking place at the moment which will not give a correct result since it is holiday time. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Claxton for attending this meeting.

ACTION: County Cllr. Williams to liaise with County Highways regarding the additional lane and report to the Chairman.

10. To receive planning applications

(a) 15/01614/COUQ - Greenacres, Banbury Road

No comments or objections.

Cllr. Claxton did not take part in this discussion

11. To consider match funding the County Community Grant Fund with £500 grant towards the Village Shop storage facilities

The Chairman explained that Gaydon Village Stores has approached County Cllr. Williams for a grant of £500 towards a storage facility. The current storage facility in a resident’s garage has been lost due to the sale of the property. To survive the shop must have somewhere to store produce. The Village Hall Committee has agreed that a shed can be placed in the hall garden but the Shop needs to raise funds to pay for this. County Cllr. Williams has said that if the Parish Council match funds his donation to the shop then he is more likely to support their bid. The Clerk said that there is funding available in our section 137 budget. Cllr. Alder proposed that we match fund Cllr. Williams donation, seconded and carried unanimously.

ACTION: The Clerk to inform Gaydon Village Stores

12. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Bank balances

The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £5,581.34 and Business Account - £10,601.57

(b) Internal Auditor’s Report

ACTION: September agenda item

(c) Bank reconciliation

ACTION: September agenda item

(d) Website

The Clerk reported that the website administrator is arranging for a facility which would allow us to load documents on to our section of the website only.

13. To receive any correspondence

(a) Funding to allow small councils to become compliant with the Transparency Act

The Clerk reported that she has explained our issue with loading documents on to the website to WALC and requested funding.

14. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Claxton, seconded by Cllr. Hughes and carried unanimously.

(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (July) – £273.70

(b) C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary (August) - 273.70

(c) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £430.00

(d) C. Hill - expenses (Apr-Jun) - £96.32

15. Closure of meeting

Councillors agreed that the next meeting would be on Wednesday, 2nd September at 8pm, subject to the availability of the Village Hall, and then every first Wednesday in the month.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.40pm.