PRESENT: COUNCILLORS J. RICKMAN (CHAIRMAN), J. BRINE, MRS. A. CONWAY, B. PRICE, C. HILL (Clerk) and approximately 17 members of the public

1. Apologies for absence

Cllr. D. Pirie (business), District Cllrs. C. Mills (Community Forum), A. Scorer (Community Forum) and County Cllr. C. Williams (Community Forum)

Mr. Andy Wilkins, Lone Star LLP, and Mr. Scott Marshall, Bannersgate.

2. Mr. Andy Wilkins, Lone Star LLP re. land adjacent to Gaydon Inn

Mr. Wilkins explained that Spitfire Properties have asked him to handle the public consultation. Residents complained that the leaflets mentioned in the application have never been delivered. Mr. Wilkins said that the leaflets referred to relate to the planning application for the Gaydon Inn. This is a totally different application and the plans have been revised. The application is for 25 dwellings; 9 affordable. The affordable will be allocated on a local priority basis. The amended plans should be submitted to the District Council shortly. A resident pointed out that parking on the site is insufficient and needs to be revised. The housing is very dense. Mr. Wilkins explained that the District Council are trying to encourage people to use public transport and not cars. He further explained that the District Council requires this density in order for the housing requirement to be met. A resident said that public transport is very limited in Gaydon and so additional parking spaces will be required. This design and density relates to an urban area and not a rural one. Mr. Wilkins said that the District Council do not have separate urban and rural policies. A resident said that there are no facilities; no recreation area. There is nothing positive for the village from this development. The number of houses needs to be halved to fit in with the character of the village. Youths need some kind of recreation area.

Mr. Marshall explained that the foul sewage will be fed into the combined sewer in Church Road. The Chairman said that the pumping station is at fully capacity. Mr. Marshall reported that Severn Trent has been contacted and they have said that the capacity is OK.

ACTION: The Chairman to send Mr. Marshall a copy of Severn Trent’s Water Cycle Report.

Surface water will be directed to the Banbury Road ditch.

Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that a topographical survey was carried out 3 years ago and yet it does not appear with the planning application.

Mr. Wilkins said that he was unsure whether this application would be withdrawn and another submitted or amended. He said that he would let the Clerk know the outcome.

The tree survey is being updated. The drainage survey will also be updated. Highways have objected to the current plans and they will need to review the amended plans.

Mr. Wilkins asked if the Council would like him to address the meeting again with amended plans. The Chairman said that he would and thanked him and Mr. Marshall for attending the meeting.

3. Questions from the public

A resident reported that the fencing has been removed on the Bishop’s Itchington side of the M40 and is a health and safety issue.

ACTION: The Clerk to mention to Highways.

The Clerk said that she has been contacted by a resident regarding access from her land to the Warwick Road. This resident has not been contacted by County Highways. The Clerk to mention to County Cllr. Williams

ACTION: The Clerk to bring this to the attention of County Cllr. Williams.

4. Declarations of Interest

All councillors declared an interest in items relating to the temporary traffic lights as they affect all residents.

5. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (January 2015) plus notes from 27th November 2014

The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Chairman said that he had an issue with the County Council being the developer. County Cllr. Williams has said that they are the client so who was he referring to when he said the developer? Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that she would like to reread the minutes before approving. It was agreed that the Chairman and Cllr. Mrs. Conway would pass to the Clerk corrections to the minutes, the Clerk to recirculate and present at the next meeting.

ACTION: The Chairman and Cllr. Mrs. Conway to pass to the Clerk corrections to the minutes. The Clerk to amend, recirculate and present at March’s meeting for signature.

It was agreed that the notes from 27th November 2014 could be approved and displayed on the website. A copy would also be attached to these minutes.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for the notes to be displayed on the website.

6. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meetings

(a) Clearing of the Banbury Road ditch; request for clearance

ACTION: The Clerk to write to the Secretary of State for Transport.

(b) To consider requesting a meeting with JLR; attendees, agenda items

It was agreed that a meeting is not necessary at the moment. Issues should be discussed at the Gaydon Liaison Meeting. However, it was agreed that the Clerk should write to JLR, regarding the improvement in the traffic since the working hours have been extended, but point out that management vehicles are still using Pimple Lane despite an email being sent to staff requesting them not to.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to JLR.

7. Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath New Settlement Proposal

(a) FORSE update

FORSE were congratulated by the inspector on their representations.

(b) Examination in public update

Cllr. Mrs. Conway reported that transport seems to be a main concern regarding the Core Strategy. Bloors Developers have agreed to put a road through the development on the Kineton Road to stop school buses from going through Kineton village. There has been no suggestion as to how to stop the 7 or 8 buses that will be required to take children to Kineton High School from travelling down the Kineton Road. An interim report is due end of March with the full report in June.

8. To receive reports from District Councillors

(a) New Homes Bonus allocation

The Clerk had circulated, prior to the meeting, advice from WALC regarding the £2.2 million new homes bonus allocation due to the District Council in 2015/16. The District Council has told the Clerk that this will not be passed to parish or town councils. Councillors agreed that the Clerk should write to our District Councillors, copy to Cllr. Kettle asking them about this funding.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to the District Councillors regarding this funding.

9. To receive report from County Councillor

The Chairman read out County Cllr. Williams report. He said that County Cllr. Williams has not been able to respond to all of the items below but is looking into them.

(a) Church Road ‘rat run’; response from Highways re. one way system

The Chairman said that we have not received a response.

ACTION: March agenda item

(b) Green space between dual carriageway and village; response from Highways to Cllr. Mrs. Conway’s email

Cllr. Mrs. Conway confirmed that she has received a response to her email. The green space is currently owned by the County Council but there is an option on the land which allows the previous owner to buy it back from the County Council. She added that Stratford’s draft SPD makes much of this triangle as a mitigating measure against the road and JLR development. WCC planning application is for the land to be landscaped. Stratford suggest putting playing fields there! Whatever, WCC should honour the status as a mitigating measure for the village and ensure that landscaping includes the stopped up roads as well. They should have plenty of money from JLR!

(c) Bridleway on boundary with Northend; update

The Chairman reported that County Cllr. Williams has said that this has been cleared.

(d) 24 hour lights on the new dual carriageway compound

The Chairman reported that this has been sorted.

A resident asked if he could speak. The Chairman agreed. The resident explained about the issue with these lights and said that it has not been sorted. They are being left on 24 hours a day and are shining into their house.

ACTION: March agenda item

(e) New dual carriageway contractors; Considerate Contractor System

ACTION: March agenda item

(f) Traffic Data; response to Cllr. Mrs. Conway’s email

Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that she has received a response to her email. It appears that the County Council do not have the statistics that we are requesting. It was agreed that we should ask for the numbers of vehicles that will be travelling through the new T junction. This is vital in ensuring that the new dual carriageway will allow Gaydon residents to exit the village during peak hours and protect residents from air pollution caused by stationary traffic.

ACTION: March agenda item

(g) Banbury Road layby; date for improvements

Cllr. Mrs. Conway said that this layby was a disgrace. The bin is overflowing and rubbish is caught in the hedges. We have also received reports from residents of defecating in the layby. It was agreed that this should be brought to the attention of environmental health.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to Environmental Health.

(h) Footway; repair process

ACTION: March agenda item.

(i) Road repairs; pot holes

ACTION: March agenda item.

(j) Temporary traffic lights; update

Councillors agreed that it is unacceptable that JLR have made the decision to install these lights. Cllrs. Mrs. Conway and Brine said that at the Gaydon Liaison Meeting JLR made it clear that these lights were a county issue and yet now the County is saying that JLR have not only funded these lights but have also instructed the County to install them. These lights should be turned off as the local road network is compromised. However, councillors did note that traffic has improved this week with the new working hours being introduced at JLR. It was agreed that if this continues then the Parish Council would write to JLR thanking them for introducing this new system.

ACTION: If the traffic continues to reduce then the Clerk to write to JLR thanking them for introducing the new working hours scheme.

10. To receive planning applications

(a) 14/02950/OUT - land adjacent to Gaydon Inn

The Clerk advised councillors not to discuss this application until the amended plans have been received.

(b) 14/03523/FUL - The Heritage Motor Centre

The Parish Council agreed to comment as follows: we would like lights turned off by 9pm or earlier and when not in use.

(c) 14/03537/FUL - The Heritage Motor Centre

Comments as above.

11. To receive response to planning applications

(a) 15/00012/OUT - Ferndale, Warwick Road

The Clerk asked councillors if they would consider this application since it has now been validated and the District Council will not extend the deadline for responses. Councillors agreed to discuss this application. The Parish Council agreed to make the following comments; water butt not adequate, concern expressed regarding drainage, health and safety issue with access on to a proposed pedestrian and cycleway, the garages are close to the trees and concern was expressed about root damage. Lastly there is no reference on the application regarding how the remainder of the land is going to be maintained.

(b) 14/00755/REM - land east of Kineton Road, Kineton; granted

12. To receive any correspondence

(a) Email re. repairs to the Church clock

The Clerk said that she has received an email from the PCC regarding the repairs to the clock. The Chairman agreed to try and find out the war memorial number for the grant application and explain to the situation to the PCC.

ACTION: The Chairman to find out information for the grant application and liaise with the PCC.

(b) Email re. withdrawal of funding for grammar school buses

The Clerk reported that 2 emails have been received from residents objecting to this. Councillors discussed and agreed that withdrawal of funding should be phased to allow families to budget for this additional expenditure.

(c) WCC Consultation on future funding of services delivered by the third sector

Circulated via email.

(d) WCC street light maintenance

The Parish Council agreed to continue with this.

13. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Bank balances

The Clerk reported the following balances; Community Account - £5,894.42 and Business Account - £10,597.87

14. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Price, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Conway and carried unanimously.

(a) C. Hill – Clerk’s gross salary (February) – £221.85

(b) FORSE - contribution towards legal fees - £1,000.00

(c) Mrs. C. Hill - expenses (Sep-Dec) - £64.01

(d) Mr. A. Thomas - reimbursement for parish materials - £40.00

15. Closure of meeting

Next meeting; 5th March, 2015

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.55pm.