


1. Election of Chairman

Cllr. Price nominated Cllr. Rickman as Chairman, seconded Cllr. Pirie and carried unanimously.

2. Apologies for absence

There were no apologies for absence.

3. Questions from the public

Mr. G. Coope from The Heritage Motor Centre explained 2 planning applications which the centre will be applying for. The first application was for a building for The Heritage Centre and the second application for a temporary building for Jaguar Land Rover for 500 employees.

A resident asked if the Parish Council was notified of the recent diversion of traffic from junction 12 on the M40 up the Warwick Road. The Clerk said that we were not informed.

A resident mentioned the increase in the number of car transporters travelling through the night and that the car alarms are still sounding on vehicles being transported.

ACTION: Cllrs. Mrs. Conway and Price said that they would mention this at the next Gaydon Liaison Meeting.

4. Declarations of Interest

All councillors declared pecuniary interests in item 8(f) as the wood from the tree will be distributed to any resident who would like some.

5. Election of Vice Chairman and Financial Officer

Cllr. Pirie nominated Cllr. Price as Vice Chairman, seconded Cllr. Mrs. Fox and carried unanimously. It was agreed that the Clerk should remain as Financial Officer.

6. Appointment of Councillors to Committees and to agree Councillor’s responsibilities

It was agreed that Cllrs. Mrs. Conway and Price would represent the Parish Council at the Gaydon Liaison Meeting. The Chairman was appointed as the Flood Prevention Officer.

ACTION: Councillors responsibilities to be discussed at a Saturday morning meeting.

7. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (March 2013) and the extraordinary meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting and the extraordinary meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they represented a true record of the meeting and were signed by the Chairman.

8. Matters arising from the previous meetings

(a) Parish Plan update

The Chairman reported that the District Council has adopted the plan. An action plan has been produced and is available on the website.

ACTION: Councillors to discuss at a Saturday morning meeting.

(b) Water leaks; Warwick Road, Banbury Road lay-by and Kineton Road

The Clerk reported that County Highways are liaising with Severn Trent regarding these leaks.

(c) Cottage Farm, Banbury Road; lighting issues

The Clerk confirmed that she has written to Environmental Health at the District Council.

(d) M40 junction 12 extension; response to Highways Agency and WCC

Councillors agreed that letters should be drafted to the Highways Agency and WCC regarding cyclist/pedestrian/horse access over the M40. Sustrans and the Ramblers Association should be asked for their support.

ACTION: The Clerk to draft letters.

(e) Request for grit bin on Church Lane

Councillors agreed that a suitable location would be on ‘telephone green’.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange a meeting between Highways and Cllr. Mrs. Fox to discuss the exact location.

(f) Horse Chestnut Tree; update on distribution of wood

Councillors agreed that the tree surgeon should be asked to cut some of the wood smaller into more manageable chunks. A notice has been placed on the board and in the magazine asking residents to contact the Clerk if they would like some of the wood. It was agreed that the Chairman and Cllr. Mrs. Conway would liaise regarding the distribution of the wood.

ACTION: The Chairman to liaise with Cllr. Mrs. Conway regarding the distribution of the wood. The Clerk to arrange for the larger chunks to be cut smaller.

(g) Naming residents in minutes

The Chairman explained that we are not allowed to name residents in minutes unless the resident gives us permission. Mrs. Rickman, Mr. Wells, Mr. Thomas and Mr. Pickering said that they give us permission to name them in our minutes. It was agreed that this item would appear on all agendas and the Chairman would ask residents if they objected to being named at every meeting.

ACTION: The Clerk to ensure that this item is on every agenda.

9. Councillor’s Reports

(a) Cemetery

(i) Complaint re. condition of grave

Cllr. Mrs. Fox said that we have spoken to the funeral director who arranged this burial and they are going to look at the grave.

(ii) Painting of gates

The Chairman confirmed that the gates have been painted.

(iii) email from RAF employee offering assistance

The Clerk reported that she has responded to this gentleman but has not received a reply.

(b) Lights/Litter/Street Furniture

(i) Bollard; Banbury Road

A resident reported that this has still not been fixed.

ACTION: The Clerk to speak to Highways.

(ii) Light; Church Road/Kineton Road

This has now been fixed.

(c) Play Area

(i) Relocation of bin

The Chairman confirmed that the bin is now in the play area.

(ii) Refurbishment update

The Chairman said that the roundabout will be put together shortly.

(iii) Letter Orbit re. coping stones

The Clerk confirmed that this letter has been sent.

(iv) Annual inspection of play area

The Clerk reported that the cost would be £45 plus VAT. There is currently a 6-8 week delay.

(d) Drains

No new report.

(e) Footpaths

Cllr. Price reported that he would be checking the signage on the footpaths.

(i) letter to landowners

Cllr. Price said that he has amended the draft letter and it can now be sent to landowners.

ACTION: The Clerk to write to the landowners.

(f) Gaydon Liaison Meeting; 13th May

(i) Parking along the Warwick Road

It was agreed that the illegal parking on the footways along the Warwick Road is not acceptable. The Police, Highways and Jaguar Land Rover are aware of the issue.

ACTION: Cllrs. Mrs. Conway and Price to mention the increase in car transporters travelling during the night, car alarms, illegal parking on the Warwick Road and testing of JLR vehicles along Pimple Lane at the next meeting.

(ii) Pedestrian/cyclist access to Bishops Itchington

ACTION: Cllrs. Conway and Price to mention the M40 Junction 12 plans and the need for pedestrian/cyclist access

(g) Neighbourhood Watch

No new report.

(h) Community Forum update

No new report.

(i) Flood Defence

(i) Severn Trent’s report on sewage; response

The Chairman explained that the report stated that there were no reported sewage capacity problems in Gaydon.

ACTION: The Clerk to draft a letter to Severn Trent questioning the report. The Chairman to provide the Clerk with the data necessary to support the fact that residents have reported problems with sewage capacity.

(ii) To agree purchase of a bin for storage of sand to be kept at the VH

It was agreed that this should be purchased and the Chairman confirmed that the Village Hall Committee have agreed that this can be kept at the Village Hall.

ACTION: The Chairman to investigate and liaise with the VH Committee regarding the type, size and colour of the bin.

(iii) Purchase of 2 pumps; update

It was agreed that these pumps are not necessary at this stage.

10. To receive reports from District and County Councillors

County Councillor Williams reported that the turnout at the last election was lower than expected. The Conservatives no longer have overall control.

JLR have sent letters to their employees regarding speeding and being considerate when driving to and from work.

He said that his responsibilities are with fostering and adoption and flood defence.

District Councillor Scorer reported that the Core Strategy for the next 20 years would be approved between 22nd July and September. The housing figure had increased to 9,500. There has been no increase in council tax. We can now recycle textiles, batteries and small electrical items by leaving them in a carrier bag by our bins. The District is looking at reducing the number of councillors from 40 to 35.

11. To receive results of planning applications:

(a) 13/00309/FUL - 1 Churchside Cottage, Church Road - granted

(b) 13/00150//FUL - Ireland Farm, Banbury Road - refused

12. To receive any correspondence

(a) Complaints re. food van operating in lay-by

The Clerk said that she had received a number of complaints from residents regarding this van. The District Council have spoken to the owner and the person operating the van and explained that they need to apply for a license before they can trade. District Councillor Mills said that he would let the Clerk know if a license is applied for.

(b) Enforcement action; Pimple Lane

The Clerk reported that the Enforcement Officer is pursuing this.

(c) Transport and Highways update

Circulated via email.

(d) Housing Needs Survey

The Clerk said that we have received a request for a Housing Needs Survey. Councillors agreed that a representative from WRCC should be invited to our next meeting to discuss further.

ACTION: The Clerk to invite Mr. Phil Ward to our next meeting.

(e) Request from Spitfire Properties (Gaydon Inn site) for a follow-up meeting

The Chairman reported that we had received a request for a follow-up meeting and the Clerk had responded by inviting Spitfire Properties to attend this meeting but they were unable to attend.

(f) 12/00330/FUL - Broadview Energy Ltd. - erection of 4 wind turbines - application appeal notification

The Clerk reported that the appeal would take place in September.

(g) Horse Chestnut Tree; request for the tree not to be felled

Cllr. Price said that he was not in favour of the tree being felled as he did not believe it was necessary. It was agreed that a replacement tree should be planted.

ACTION: The Clerk to ask residents for their views via the magazine. Cllr. Price to contact the Woodland Trust to find out if they will supply a tree.

13. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Risk assessment

The Clerk said that this would be circulated to councillors shortly.

(b) New bank mandate form

ACTION: June agenda item.

(c) Draft 2012/13 accounts

The Clerk had circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that these accounts could now be passed to the internal auditor.

(d) Appointment of internal auditor

It was agreed that Accounting Data Services should be appointed as our internal auditor.

(e) Bank balances

The Clerk reported the following bank balances:

Community Account: £6,964.35

Business Account: £10,584.78

14. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Mrs. Fox, seconded by Cllr. Price.

(a) Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary (Apr/May) - £397.42

(b) Stratford-on-Avon District Council - litter bin - £300.00

(c) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £430.00

(d) Mr. J. Crowe - reimbursement for sand - £64.39

(e) WALC - annual subscription - £116.00

(f) e.on - street lighting - £48.26

(h) Smiths of Derby - servicing of clock - £206.40

(i) Mr. D. White - felling of Horse Chestnut Tree - £700.00

15. Closure of Meeting

Dates of next meetings: 27th June, 5th September, 7th November, 2nd January and 6th March at 8pm in the Village Hall.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.40pm.