1. Apologies for absence

District Cllr. A. Storer.

2. Questions from the public

A resident asked if the Parish Council was aware of any plans for the Gaydon Inn site. The Chairman explained that the new owner has requested an informal meeting with the Parish Council which will take place in March.

Another resident complained about the JLR car transporters that are operating 24 hours a day. He also reported that some of the transporters travel along the Warwick Road several times before turning into JLR premises. The Chairman said that he understood that JLR are allowed to operate 24 hours a day. Cllr. Price agreed to mention this at the Gaydon Liaison Meeting.

Two additional lights in the yard at Cottage Farm, Banbury Road, were brought to the Parish Council's attention. The lights are shining all night and causing a disturbance to neighbours. The Clerk was asked to speak to enforcement and respond to the resident.

3. Proposal for the Parish Council to grant dispensations to the Council up to the elections in May 2015 for the setting of the precept under the Local Government Act 1992

This was proposed by Cllr. Pirie, seconded Cllr. Mrs. Fox and carried unanimously.

4. Declarations of Interest

Cllr. J. Rickman declared a pecuniary interest in item 14(g) a reimbursement to a family member.

5. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (November 2012), the emergency flooding action plan and the minutes approving the Parish Plan

The minutes of the previous meetings had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they represented a true record of the meetings and were signed by the Chairman.

6. Matters arising from the previous meetings

(a) St. Giles Church Clock

It was reported that the PCC are investigating whether a faculty is required for this work.

(b) Parish Plan update

Cllr. Rickman reported that the Parish Plan Working Party will format the plan to allow residents to receive copies. He said that he would also forward a copy to the District Council for adoption.

ACTION: Cllr. Rickman to forward a copy of the Parish Plan to the District Council for adoption.

(c) Chestnut Tree; Village Green

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for a tree surgeon to meet with Cllrs. Mrs. Fox, Price and Rickman to discuss the necessary maintenance work

7. Councillor's Reports

(a) Cemetery

Cllr. Mrs. Fox reported that the last grave is subsiding because of the weather conditions. The gates are being regularly left open in the evenings. The Clerk confirmed that she has made the Police aware.

ACTION: The Clerk to ask Cottage Farm if they have seen any evening activity and also to mention this to the Neighbourhood Watch Group.

(i) Painting of Gate

It was agreed that the gates need shot-blasting and painting.

ACTION: Cllr. Rickman to arrange for the gates to be shot-blasted at the same time as the roundabout.

(ii) email from RAF employees offering assistance

The Clerk said that she has received an email from an RAF employee offering assistance in the cemetery.

ACTION: The Clerk to ask the gentleman how he would like to support the cemetery.

(b) Lights/litter/street furniture

A bollard on the Banbury Road refuge has been damaged. This has been reported to Highways.

It was reported that there are now 2 bins by the telephone box.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for one of the bins to be moved to the Play area.

A resident reported that the street light at the end of Church Road by Kineton Road was not working.

ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for this to be fixed.

(c) Play Area

(i) Letter to Orbit re. coping stones

ACTION: The Clerk to write to Orbit.

(ii) Refurbishment update

Cllr. Rickman agreed to find out the cost for shot-blasting the roundabout and gates. He confirmed that new bolts were required for the roundabout.

(d) Drains

(i) Church Road

The drains outside The Nest have been cleared.

(e) Footpaths

Cllr. Price suggested that letters be sent to the local farmers asking them to reinstate the footpaths after ploughing. It was agreed that this should be done.

ACTION: The Clerk to organise.

The Clerk reported that WCC Footpaths Team have concerns regarding the fence that has been erected next to the Pimple Lane bridleway. They will be writing to the landowner.

(f) Neighbourhood Watch

No new report.

(g) Community Forum update

Next meeting - 19th March at Wellesbourne Fire Station.

(h) Flood Defence

A resident reported that, following the resurfacing of the Kineton Road, the contour of the road has been changed. The resident was asked if he could take a photo of the water flow next time there is heavy rain and pass to Cllr. Rickman.

(i) letter to Severn Trent regarding water leaks

The Clerk confirmed that she has sent an email to the CEO of Severn Trent Water. Cllr. Pirie asked if she could report a leak in the Kineton Road near the roundabout.

ACTION: The Clerk to contact Severn Trent regarding the Kineton Road water leak.

(ii) Update on emergency meeting action plan

The Chairman confirmed that he has purchased a bag of sand and it is situated on the Old Bakehouse drive for residents to use. The Clerk has put a note in the magazine for residents. Councillors agreed that they should investigate the purchase of a storage unit that could be kept at the Village Hall.

ACTION: Cllr. Rickman to liaise with the Village Hall Committee to ensure that this is acceptable. The Clerk to investigate the cost of a storage unit.

A flood action plan should be added to the emergency plan.

ACTION: All councillors to discuss at a Saturday morning meeting

It was agreed that a note should be placed in the magazine asking residents to report blocked drains and to help clear drains when it is raining. The Clerk was asked to report blocked drains on the Warwick Road.

ACTION: The Clerk to mention in the magazine and to report the drains to Highways.

The ditch behind St. Mark's Close is in need of clearance. Cllr. Price said that he believes that this is in hand.

(iii) Update on meeting with the County Flood Team

Cllr. Rickman confirmed that a meeting has taken place with the County Council and residents. The County Council confirmed that they are looking into a holding pond behind the Kineton Road but funding will not be available until 2015/6. The overflowing sewers are a health hazard but are the responsibility of Severn Trent Water. It was agreed that the sewer system is inadequate for the number of properties. Cllr. Rickman reported that he has had a number of conversations with Severn Trent but no information about what they are going to do about the problem and when. County Cllr. Williams said that the County Council will respond to the Parish Council with a plan which will also address this issue. The Chairman advised residents to pass their Severn Trent incident numbers to Cllr. Rickman and also to write to Severn Trent.

It was also reported that a resident has employed a water engineer to look at preventive measures to stop their property flooding. It was agreed that this could move the issue to other properties in the village. County Cllr. Williams said that if this happens then the County are able to investigate.

8. Any matters from the District Councillor or County Councillor

(a) M40 Junction 12 extension update

County Cllr. Williams reported that the Government has announced that £12 million will be allocated to upgrading junction 12. It is the responsibility of the County Council to find funding to cover the improvements from the junction to Jaguar Land Rover. JLR have said that they would like to employ an additional 2600 people (a significant proportion from the 18-25 age groups) but need improved access to their site. The meeting was shown draft plans from junction 12 to JLR and assured that there will be a consultation period.

District Cllr. Mills reported that the District Council has awarded a new contract for the grass cutting.

7 members of the public left the meeting.

9. To receive any new planning applications:

(a) 12/02799/AGNOT - Gaydon Hill Farm, Banbury Road

The Parish Council agreed to raise no comments or objections.

(b) 12/02594/FUL - Gaydon Test Centre, Banbury Road

No objections or comments.

10. To receive any correspondence

(a) SDC; Parish Council Precept 2013/14

Circulated to councillors via email.

(b) email re. dangerous conditions on Pimple Lane/Long Lane

County Cllr. Williams explained that this request for temporary signs from Northend PC was due to cars getting stuck in the mud on the verges. Highways are unable to support the erecting of temporary signs for this lane.

11. To consider the purchase of 2 pumps to be used in emergency flooding situations

It was agreed that, before the pumps are purchased, councillors need to draft a plan explaining how the pumps will be deployed with a list of people who are allowed to use them. Training might be required.

ACTION: Councillors to discuss at a Saturday morning meeting.

12. To agree 2013/14 budget and to set precept

A draft budget had been circulated prior to the meeting. Councillors agreed unanimously an increase of 2% on the precept. A copy of the budget is attached to these minutes.

13. Financial/Administration

(a) Bank balances

Community Account - £6,460.02

Business Account - £10,583.08

9.25pm Cllr. Rickman left the meeting

14. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Mrs. Fox, seconded by Cllr. Price.

(a) Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk's Salary (Dec/Jan) - £286.64

(b) HM Revenue & Customs - PAYE (Oct-Dec) - £121.28

(c) e.on - Street Lighting - £96.52

(d) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £105.00

(e) Gaydon Village Hall - 2012 rent - £1000.70

(f) Mrs. C. Hill - expenses (Oct-Dec) - £61.78

(g) Mrs. J. Rickman - reimbursement for paper - £23.95

9.30pm Cllr. Rickman returned to the meeting.

15. Closure of Meeting

Next meeting - Thursday, 7th March at 7.30pm (Parish Assembly) to be followed by the ordinary meeting at 7.45pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.35pm.