1. Apologies for absence

District Councillor S. Wixey.

2. Questions from the public

A resident asked if the footbridge by the cemetery would be mended. It was explained that Highways have said that they will repair this.

The signage on some of the footpaths is either difficult to read or has eroded. Cllr. Price said that he would look into this.

3. Declarations of Interest

No interests were declared.

4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (January 2012).

The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they represented a true record of the meeting and were signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters arising from the previous meetings

(a) Parish Plan update

Cllr. Rickman reported that the Parish Plan Committee has received the final analysis of the results and they are going to make them available to residents on 31st March in the Village Hall. The meeting has been advertised in the Village Magazine.

(b) Emergency Plan

The Clerk said that the emergency plan has been updated by councillors. She now needs to incorporate the changes into the original document. County Cllr. Williams said that he would let her have the name of the person co- ordinating this at the County.

(c) Loose Kerbstones - Church Road

The Clerk confirmed that this has been reported to Highways.

(d) School Transport

County Cllr. Williams confirmed that he has forwarded the concern raised about parents not being informed if a bus has broken down to the County. It is, however, the responsibility of the school to let parents know as there are data protection issues with the County providing this service.

(e) Drains - removing weeds

Councillors agreed to look into this on a Saturday morning.

(f) Complaints re. parking on the verge between Kineton Road/St. Giles Road

The Clerk explained that she has spoken to PC Cuthbertson, who has also received a number of complaints about this. He said that he was unable to speak to the residents until he received a letter from the Parish Council. It was agreed that initially the Clerk should write to the residents.

(g) St. Giles Church Clock

The Clerk reported that the clock was to be serviced on 6th March. The Chairman and Cllr. Rickman said that they would try and meet with the engineer to discuss the health and safety issues.

6. To accept the resignation of a councillor

The Chairman reported that Cllr. Mrs. Helena McGrath had resigned from the Parish Council. The Clerk confirmed that the District Council had been informed of this and notices, received from the District Council, had been posted on the noticeboard. The District Council have confirmed that there had been no request for an election. It was agreed that the Clerk should place a notice on the noticeboard inviting residents to contact her, if they are interested, and also a note should be placed in the magazine.

7. Councillor's Reports

(a) Gaydon Liaison Meeting

The Clerk reported that she has asked for a copy of the Jaguar Land Rover transport policy but has not received it yet. She was asked to follow up on this. The Chairman said that any residents with concerns about the car transporters should write to the Parish Council who will then be in a position to discuss further with Highways, Jaguar Land Rover or the District Council.

(b) Neighbourhood Watch

The Clerk to contact the co-ordinator.

(c) Community Forum

Next meeting - 15th March at Wellesbourne Fire Station. Main discussion item will be housing allocation.

8. To receive any new planning applications

(a) 12/00274/EXT - Heritage Motor Centre

This application had been discussed at an extraordinary meeting and the Parish Council had agreed to raise an objection on the grounds of noise.

9. To receive any results of planning applications

(a) 11/02502/FUL - The Firs, Church Road - granted

10. To receive any correspondence

(a) Draft Core Strategy Consultation

Councillors agreed to review this document individually and discuss at a Saturday meeting.

(b) Faster Broadband

It was agreed that Cllr. Rickman would co-ordinate this.

(c) Street Lighting Maintenance 2012/13

The Clerk reported that there would be a small increase of approximately 31p per light. It was agreed that this was acceptable and that the parish should continue with this service.

(d) Changes to mobile library service

This had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting.

(e) Invitation to reception at Shire Hall - 10th March

(f) Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report Consultation

This consultation is available on the County website.

11. To agree to fund (up to £400) an arboriculturist report on the Chestnut Tree on the Village Green

The Clerk reported that she had asked 3 arboriculturists, recommended by the District Council, to quote for providing a report on the condition of the tree and also recommended actions. 2 have provided quotes which she forwarded to councillors prior to this meeting. The quotes were considered rather high at £275 and £350 and also rather detailed. It was agreed that the Clerk should contact the tree surgeon, who originally said that the tree should be cut down, to arrange a meeting with councillors to discuss whether it would be possible for the tree to be heavily pruned instead of being completely removed.

12. To appoint a contractor to maintain the cemetery

The Clerk said that she sent letters inviting quotes to 4 contractors and had received 2 responses. A note had also been placed in the parish magazine inviting bids for the work. Both quotes had been forwarded to councillors prior to the meeting. It was agreed that Mr. Chris Pickering should be asked to continue maintaining the cemetery. His quote provided good value, the quality of his work was well known in the parish and he was reliable.

13. To appoint a contractor to maintain the village greens

The Clerk confirmed that she sent letters inviting quotes to 4 contractors and had received 2 responses. A note had also been placed in the parish magazine. Both quotes had been forwarded to councillors prior to the meeting. It was agreed that Mr. Chris Pickering should be asked to continue maintaining the village greens. His quote again provided good value, the quality of his work was well known in the parish and he was reliable.

14. Financial Report/Administration

(a) Bank balance

Community Account - £5,477.93

Business Account - £10,575.54

(b) Risk Assessment

The Clerk confirmed that she has carried out a risk assessment and will be forwarding this to councillors.

(c) Review of Insurance Cover

The Clerk reported that our current insurers AON had quoted £539.27 for 2012/13 annual premium. WALC have recommended 3 insurance companies who specialise in Parish Council insurance; AON, Zurich and Came & Co. The Clerk said that Zurich have quoted £225.00 for 2012/13 annual insurance premium which will cover assets up to a value of £10,000. It was agreed that the Clerk should ask Zurich Insurance to provide cover and agree the list of assets to be covered with councillors. It was further agreed that the Parish Council should accept the 3 year fixed premium of £225.00 that Zurich has offered as this will be a cost saving to the parish.

(d) Appointment of Internal Auditor

It was agreed that Accounting Data Services should be asked to audit our accounts again this year.

15. Passing of any accounts for payment

The following accounts were proposed by Cllr. Price, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Fox and carried unanimously.

(a) C. Hill - Clerk's fee - £313.86

(b) C. Hill - expenses - £44.70

(c) HM Revenue & Customs - PAYE - £78.46

(d) Mr. C. Pickering - grass maintenance - £105.00

(e) Mr. F. Liddington - materials used for spraying cemetery path - £35.98

(f) e.on - Street Lighting - £94.72

(h) Mr. J. Rickman - reimbursement for materials to repair play area - £174.97

16. Closure of meeting

Next meeting - 10th May, 2012 at 7.30pm.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15pm.