PRESENT: CLLRS: J. RICKMAN (CHAIRMAN), J. BRINE, MRS. A. CONWAY, D. PIRIE, B. PRICE, C.HILL (Clerk) and 9 members of the public

1. Apologies for absence

County Cllr. Williams (business commitment) and District Cllr. Mills (business commitment).

2. Minutes of the previous assembly (2014)

The draft minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they were a true record of the meeting and were duly signed by the CHAIRMAN.

3. Any matters arising from those minutes

The Clerk reported that there was one matter arising that had been dealt with at the next ordinary meeting.

4. Reports from councillors:

Cllr. Price reported on footpaths. The paths remain much the same year on year. There have been no alterations. Landowners have to reinstate footpaths in the spring. Some of the signs need renewing. Good co-operation from the landowners. It might be a good time to ask for some new footpaths to be opened as JLR has more land.

Cllr. Brine said that it has been a privilege to take over from Mrs. Fox. He thanked our contractor and residents for keeping the cemetery looking nice.

Cllr. Pirie said that he has a full inventory of street furniture and has looked at it. He said that a litter pick needs to take place.

Cllr. Mrs. Conway talked about the slurry that has been put on the footways. She said that overgrowing hedges remain a problem and we should put a note in the magazine reminding residents to cut them back. She reported on her involvement with the Gaydon Liaison Committee Meeting. She also commented on the continual flow of reports from the District Council that must be responded to.

The Chairman reported on the past year, a copy of which is attached to these minutes.

5. Reports from the District Councillors

No report.

6. Report from the County Councillor

No report.

7. Reports from any Parish Organisations

The editor from the Parish Magazine thanked the Parish Council for their help.

The Website is updated once the minutes have been approved. The Chairman said that he would be happy to continue to update it.

8. Any matters raised by electors of the parish present

No matters were raised.

9. Closure

The meeting was closed at 8.10pm