PRESENT: MR. J. CROWE (CHAIRMAN), MR. D. MARKS, MR. A. THOMAS, MR. T. MCGRATH, MRS. H. MCGRATH AND C.HILL (Clerk) and 3 members of the public

1. Apologies for absence

County Councillor Williams.

2. Minutes of the previous assembly (March 2010)

The draft minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that they were a true record of the meeting and were duly signed by the CHAIRMAN.

3. Any matters arising from those minutes

The Clerk reported that there were no matters arising from the previous minutes.

4. Reports from the following people/organisations:

i) Parish Council Chairman

The CHAIRMAN said that 2010 was another busy year. He briefly discussed some of the major planning applications. He updated residents on the background and current situation regarding allotments. He thanked the many residents who helped to set up the shop. The Parish Plan is moving forward with a new committee. The Chairman thanked the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Parish Plan Committee. He also thanked Cllr. Marks for volunteering to set up a dedicated Parish Council website and all councillors (District and County included) for supporting the parish.

ii) Councillor responsible for Cemetery

CLLR THOMAS reported that the corner of the cemetery has been cleared. Stumps are still protruding from the ground and he is investigating the cost of arranging for them to be grinded. He regularly clears branches which have fallen.

iii) Councillor responsible for Play Area

CLLR. MRS. MCGRATH reported that the Parish Council has funds set aside to purchase equipment for the play area together with pledges from local businesses but we do require more funding. 2 residents have offered to help with fund raising.

iv) Councillor responsible for Lighting/Litter/Street Furniture

CLLR. MCGRATH said that the lights have been mended promptly by the County. The Esso Garage has said that they will fit shields over the lights at the back of the garage. Councillors and residents are continuing to pick up litter with Pimple Lane being especially bad.

v) Councillor responsible for Definitive Rights of Way

CLLR. MARKS reported that all footpaths have been cleared and are walkable. The cemetery path needs clearing at least twice a year.

vi. Report on the Flood Defence Plan

THE CHAIRMAN said that we are still working on the Banbury Road scheme. We are currently trying to sort out local issues with landowners. He reiterated that residents need to keep drains clear.

6. Reports from the District Councillor

There were no reports.

7. Report from the County Councillor

THE CHAIRMAN read out a report from COUNTY COUNCILLOR WILLIAMS. A copy is attached to these minutes.

8. Reports from any Parish Organisations

THE CHAIRMAN reported that the Millenium Group are planning a street party to celebrate the Royal Wedding.

CLLR. MRS. MCGRATH said that the Community Forums were very informative. She urged residents to attend.

CLLR. MRS. MCGRATH thanked Jaguar Land Rover and the Heritage Centre for attending to our issues promptly.

9. Any matters raised by electors of the parish present

No matters were raised.

10. Closure

The meeting was closed at 7.55pm