Gaydon Parish Magazine August 2013

index of magazines

This Month's Diary

     SDC Rep                  Weds 7th 10am            Village Store
     Friendship Club          Tues 20th 2.30pm         Trevose
     Pilates                  Tuesdays 6.30pm          Village Hall
     Mobile Library           Thursdays 8th &29th

Parish Council News

5000 Houses near Gaydon

At the last Parish Council meeting District Councillor Chris Mills told the meeting about a proposal from the District Council for a town near Gaydon (details on the Gaydon website). The town will stretch from junction 12 to the Chesterton gated road. This proposal will be included in the Core Strategy which was adopted by the District Council at the end of July. Consultations will take place in August and September and the Parish Council will discuss the proposals on 5 September.

Bollards along Banbury Road

The bollards will be replaced before the winter.

Grit Bin near Church Lane

Highways have agreed that the Parish can have a grit bin near Church Lane which will help carers and doctors get to Barnfield Residential Home in difficult weather conditions.

Parking at Jaguar Land Rover

We have been told that small posts will be erected on the verges by JLR to stop parking.

Play Equipment

The roundabout is back and looking great; thanks to the Gaydon volunteers. We have asked JLR if they can help us refurbish the climbing frame.

Hedges and Bushes

Could you please ensure that your hedges, bushes and plants are not obstructing the highway or footways.

Gravel on Driveways

We have been told about the difficulties disabled and elderly residents are experiencing with walking on gravel which has been carried on to the footways. If you have a gravel driveway could you please make sure that the gravel does not go onto the footway.

Next Meeting: 5th September at 8pm.

Church Services in August

     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Burton Dassett
    10.30    Morning Prayer        Fenny Compton
    10.30    Holy Communion        Gaydon
     6.00pm  Evensong              Farnborough
     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Farnborough
     9.00    Holy Communion        Gaydon
    10.30    Holy Communion        Fenny Compton
    10.30    Communion by extension, Northend
     6.00pm  Evening Service       Burton Dassett
     9.00    Holy Communion        Farnborough
     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Gaydon
    10.30    Family Service        Fenny Compton
    10.30    Holy Communion        Northend
     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Fenny Compton
    10.30    Holy Communion        Farnborough
    10.30    Prayer and Praise     Gaydon
    10.30    Morning Prayer        Northend

Weekday Service: There will be a service of Holy Communion at the church of St Giles on Thursday 22 August at 10.30am.

Nature Notes

Back from Extinction

The present hot spell may be the salvation of many butterfly species after two years of exceptionaly cold summers. Already there are communal webs of Small Tortoiseshell and Peacock butterfly caterpillars on the nettle clumps; and Marbled Whites, Ringlets, Gatekeepers and Meadow Browns skip through any areas of rough pasture around the village.

A trip to Oversley wood this week had a wondrous show of Silver Washed Fritillaries , Purple Emperors and Black Hairstreaks, the latter two being very rare species. It is also pleasing to hear that a colony of Large Tortoishells has been found on the Isle of Wight. This large attractive butterfly was thought extinct in the mid 1970s, the cause thought to be a combination of the decline in Elm trees and of attacks by Ichneuman flies.

In the early 1950s this species was widespread in Warwickshire and as a child I collected them in the village of Clifford Chambers where my grandmother lived. At the end of the village a row of ancient elms provided a perfect habitat. I still have the specimens I collected then. They were very numerous and I never imagined they would become rare.

Years later I was looking at an old barn in Rural Poland in late October. Inside were hundreds of them about to hibernate, accompanied by Camberwell Beauties*. The sound of many wings rubbing in alarm was startling and as loud as a myriad of massed files rasping on wood! It may be that Lime and Willow will become substitute foodplants. We have some months to go before the frosts, and Buddleia bushes and Sedums are yet to flower; so hopefully we will see many second broods in our gardens.

*The Camberwell Beauty was so named because one specimen was caught in that area in the 19th century, thought to have arrived in a consignment of timber from the Baltic. It is known as the Mourning Cloak on the continent. Bernard Price

Lighthorne Heath Primary School

The summer has been full of excitement at Lighthorne Heath Primary School. At the end of June the whole school went on a trip to Coombe Abbey where we explored the grounds, made art from nature and built shelters.

The rest of the term has been taken up with rehearsals for our performance of 'The Lion King'. Since we have strong links with a school in Gambia, we have been learning more about Africa over the last year. We did two performances and, in both, the children surpassed all expectations, performing amazingly well and singing brilliantly! Staff, parents and governors were extremely proud of everyone.

Our recent summer fair and 'Leavers' Assembly' topped off an exciting year. All of the children performed well in their SATs and we are sure they will all do well when they move on to Kineton High in September.

We hope you all have a lovely summer - long may the sunshine continue!

Find out more about our school on our website:

Juliette Westwood (Exec. Headteacher) and Michelle Cragg (Associate Head)

Core Strategy for Stratford upon Avon District

Development of the new town will be phased. In September 2014 a planning application will be submitted comprising:

1600 dwellings; a new 2-form entry primary school; a business park; a new secondary school; sports pitches, informal open space and a new country park; local retail and health facilities.

Approval of the above proposals is planned for December 2014.

You can find further details of these plans on the village website at under the Parish Council heading.

New Settlement Consultation

A representative of Stratford District Council will be at the Village Store on Wednesday 7 August from 10am-1pm to meet villagers and talk about the new settlement proposed for Lighthorne Heath.

Friendship Club

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 20 August at Trevose, Kineton Road, by kind invitation of Mrs Pauline Layton, at 2.30pm. Ring Mary on 641834 if you would like to join the group.

Could this possibly apply to you?

'Dangerous Corner'

Plants spreading over pavements and tall hedges leaning over pathways at an angle present a real danger to wheelchair users and to children being pushed in prams or buggies. Wheels can slip and tangle in greenery lying on paths, causing the wheelchair or pushchair to swerve off the kerb and into the road.

Hedges leaning out half-way over the pavement can scratch the faces of the people pushing, forcing them towards the kerb and the road. Church Road, for example, has some particularly dangerous places like those described above. Do you think that the front of your garden might be one of them? If so, please be public-spirited and make every effort to rectify the problem.

Tysoe Flower Show and Fête

Saturday 17 August 1pm at Tysoe Recreation Ground. Contact Samantha Littlewood on 01295 688137 for more information.

Mobile Library

The Library will be here on Thursdays 8th and 29th August. The van will be at the Telephone Box at 1.50-2.10pm and at St Marks Close from 2.15-2.35pm.

Messy Church

There will be a Messy Church at Fenny Compton on Sunday 11 August at 3.30pm in the Village Hall.

Coffee Morning and Market

There will be no coffee morning in August as we shall all be on our holidays. The next one will be on Saturday 14 September.

Big Lunch

The Big Lunch which was held on 21 July was attended by over forty people. Delicious food and drink appeared, together with a surprise Bouncy Castle to the delight of younger lunchers, who all won prizes in the games.

The Village Hall Committee is grateful to everyone who came along.


Baby Prince George Alexander Louis was born to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on 22 July.


Congratulations to Toby Thomas and Steff Tinkham on their engagement, with love from all the Thomas family.

Christmas Lunch 2013

Sunday 8 December has been chosen for the Christmas Lunch this year.

Compton Verney

Don't forget to visit our local art gallery's Summer Exhibition of works from the Tate Collection. Turner, Constable and their contemporaries are on show in a unique exploration of the art of oil sketching, which became popular in the late 18th and the 19th centuries.