Gaydon Parish Magazine June 2013

index of magazines

This Month's Diary

     Coffee Morning             Sat 8th 11am              Village Hall
     Friendship Club            Tues 18th 2.30pm          Corner Cottage
     PCC Meeting                Weds 26th 7.30pm          St Giles' Church
     Parish Council             Thurs 27th 8pm            Village Hall
     Pilates                    Tuesdays 6.30pm           Village Hall
     Mobile Library             Thursday 6th & 27th

Church Services in June

     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Burton Dassett
    10.30    Morning Prayer        Fenny Compton
    10.30    Holy Communion        Gaydon
     6.00pm  Evensong              Farnborough

     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Farnborough
     9.00    Holy Communion        Gaydon
    10.30    Holy Communion        Fenny Compton
    10.30    Communion by extension, Northend
     6.00pm  Evening Service       Burton Dassett

     9.00    Holy Communion        Farnborough
     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Gaydon
    10.30    Family Service        Fenny Compton
    10.30    Holy Communion        Northend
     6.00pm  Songs of Praise       Northend

     9.00    Holy Communion BCP    Fenny Compton
    10.30    Holy Communion        Farnborough
    10.30    Prayer and Praise     Gaydon
    10.30    Morning Prayer        Northend

    10.30    Group Communion       Gaydon

Parish Council News 

At our annual meeting John Rickman agreed to be Chairman, with Bernard Price as Vice Chairman.

Jaguar Land Rover

Councillors attended a meeting at The Heritage Centre with representatives from JLR and other parishes.  The

main issue appeared to be traffic.  Councillors complained about the parking of the employees' cars on the

footways along The Warwick Road.  JLR said that they have employed a parking attendant to try and sort out this

issue.  In the meantime we have notified the Police, as it is difficult to walk safely along this busy road, and parking

on footways is illegal if it causes an obstruction.  

Councillors also spoke about the report that the number of car transporters travelling to the site outside daylight

hours has increased; the testing of JLR vehicles along Pimple Lane; and the car alarms which are sounding when

the vehicles are on the transporters.  We hope that JLR will address these issues.

Horse Chestnut Tree

The tree has been felled.  Arrangements have been made for logs to be distributed to any residents requesting

them.  The Parish Council will decide shortly what type of tree to plant on the Green.  If you have any suggestions

please contact either the Clerk or a Councillor.

Water Leaks

County Highways are discussing the water leaks on the Warwick Road and the Banbury Road lay-by with Severn


Grit Bin

The Clerk will be meeting Highways to see if it is possible for a grit bin to be located at the back of Telephone

Green for Church Lane.  Highways have provisionally given two locations: one along Church Road or one on

Telephone Green.  The grit is needed to help medical staff get to Barnfields in difficult weather conditions.


Councillors have received copies of the draft 2012/3 accounts.  Any resident wishing to view the accounts should

contact the Clerk.  The accounts should be approved at the 27th June meeting.

Next Meeting

Thursday, 27th June at 8pm in the Village Hall.  All residents are welcome to attend.

Great Walks of Gaydon Number 2 The Allotment Walk

Start in Church Lane at the back of the church with the churchyard wall on your right. Now walk Westward to the

end of Church Lane and enter the snickett.

Keep going for about a hundred yards until you come out at a grassy patch at the end of St Marks Close.

Negotiate the footpath alongside a garden fence and climb over the stile at the end.

You are now in a field. The path goes off to the left and heads due South across the grass to a stile in a hedge.

Climb the stile and the path ahead should be marked out in yellow against the green corn. Walk over the corn field

to a gap in the hedge beside a stile.

The farm track to your right leads to Tollgate Cottage on the Kineton Road. Cross over the farm track to another

corn field.

Again the path should be marked out in yellow against the green corn. Follow the path for about 200 yards. On

this leg of the walk do take time to stop and look around.

There are clear views of Edge Hill to the South and you can get a good impression of the village of Gaydon

nestling in its hollow. You may be lucky enough to see skylarks here.

The path now turns right and heads for a stile in the hedge that separates the field from the Kineton Road. The

clue to this mysterious turn is in the name of the field you have just crossed.

It is known as the "Allotment Field" as the village allotments used to be here. The path was used by villagers

walking out to tend their plots.

The ditch shown on the Explorer OS map 206, like the allotments, now exits only in the country of the past.

To return to Gaydon either walk along the road or retrace your steps and walk the path in reverse.


The Gaydon Volunteers will be working in the playground this month and re-assembling the roundabout. If you

would like to help, see John Rickman at the Old Bakehouse or ring him on 640349.

Shipston Home Nursing

NGS Garden Open at Burmington Grange, Cherington CV36 5HZ by very kind invitation of Patrick and Fudge

Ramsay on Sunday June 16th 2.00-6.00pm. Teas served supporting SHN.

Concert at All Saints' Church Burton Dassett

Warwick University Brass Ensemble returns on Friday 21st June. Tickets, costing £12, from Norma King on 01295

770292, to include strawberries and cream and a glass of wine.


Gaydon Village Hall will be holding its annual Big Lunch on Sunday 21 July at 1pm. It will be an American Buffet

and Bar i.e. bring your own food and drink to share with the other lunchers.

There will be a raffle and children's games. Everyone welcome: start the school holidays in style!

Parochial Church Council Meeting

Gaydon PCC will meet on Wednesday 26 June at 7.30pm in St Giles' Church.

Messy Church

There will be a Messy Church at Fenny Compton on Sunday 9 June at 3.30pm in the Village Hall.

Seasonal Recipe

Orange and Rosemary Chicken: Prepare well in advance - delicious for barbecues

2 oranges, zest and juice           3 sprigs fresh rosemary
60ml (2 fl oz) dry white wine      2 tsp tabasco sauce
2 tbsp wholegrain mustard          2 garlic cloves
4 chicken breasts
Place all the marinade ingredients into a jar, shake well to mix and refrigerate for
24 hours.
Prick the chicken with a fork and spoon the marinade over.  Cover and store in the
fridge overnight.
Grill the chicken on a medium heat for about 10 mins on each side, basting with the
orange marinade until cooked;    or cook on a barbecue.

Serve with salad and sparkling wine.

Mobile Library

The Library will be here on Thursdays 6th and 27th June. The van will be at the Telephone Box 1.50-2.10pm and

at St Marks Close from 2.15-2.35pm.

Friendship Club

The June meeting will be on Tuesday 18th at Corner Cottage, the home of Mrs Mary Fox, in Church Lane, at

2.30pm. These informal monthly gatherings were initiated by Mrs Betty Davies when Gaydon's WI closed down in

1986. Ring Mary on 641834 if you would like to come along.

Coffee Morning and Market

Saturday 8 June at 11am in the Village Hall Bring & Buy cakes, plants and bric-a-brac Raffle Everyone Welcome!

Funds raised are in aid of the church fabric fund. MF

Wall-Painting Talk and Tea

at All Saints' Church, Burton Dassett on Sunday 16 June from 2.30-4.30pm. Impromptu Talks by Mr Roger

Rosewell, lecturer, author and mediaeval wall-painting expert. Teas will be served throughout the afternoon from 2-

5pm; proceeds to go towards the new church roof.

There will be no charge for the talks and you are therefore free to come and just listen to Mr Rosewell; or to simply

pop in for a cup of tea and a cake; or better still, do both! It should be a very interesting afternoon.

The purpose of the event is not only to raise funds but to raise the profile of the church, together with an awareness

of the importance of the paintings and the history of All Saints' Church.

Lighthorne Heath Primary School

This month has been a busy one at Lighthorne Heath Primary School and may I start by saying a huge 'well done'

to the children in Years 2 and 6 who have been taking their SATs tests over the last couple of weeks. Everyone has

worked extremely hard and we are very proud of them all.

At the end of April we were thrilled to be able to welcome a team of eager volunteers from Jaguar Land Rover to

our school. Over 3 days they created an amazing new wildlife garden and allotment for us at the back of the

classrooms. The team of volunteers worked very hard and the final result is filled with beautiful flowers, shrubs and

vegetables. The Living Environment Trust came to school to do workshops with the children, during which they built

bird boxes, hedgehog boxes and ladybird houses. All of the staff and children at the school are hugely grateful to

Jaguar Land Rover and all of the other companies who gave up their time and donated a range of resources, plants

and equipment to fill the garden. Thank you!

Finally our football team, sporting their brand new kit, recently played in a match against Bishop's Tachbrook

School. The final score was 3-3 and the children all played fantastically! Well done!

To find out more and learn all about our school you can visit our new website:

Juliette Westwood (Exec. Headteacher) and Michelle Cragg (Associate Headteacher)


I know that many villagers were sad to see Madeleine, Jonathan and Tilly leave Gaydon after eighteen years in

Church Road. They always involved themselves in village matters, from the Parish Council to summer fêtes,

pilates sessions to street parties. On the Saturday evening before Christmas, many of us would gather at Bedford

House for their drinks party, the kitchen table laden with delicious nibbles which included a plentiful supply of

cocktail sausages, much enjoyed by the younger guests in particular. There was always a large Stilton cheese and

mini star mince pies, and as the mulled wine flowed, it felt as if the seasonal festivities had really begun.

Everyone wishes them well in their new venture in France; and I am sure that it won't be long before ex-neighbours

are visiting them in their B&B. DP

Nature Notes

A slow start to a late Spring!

It is still more reminiscent of April rather than May. Oak and Ash trees are only just showing green with almost a

reluctance to open their buds.

The Swifts arrived in Gaydon a few days ago. We always have a good complement of these, which seem to have

maintained their numbers, whilst House Martins have declined and not yet appeared; and Swallows no longer

weigh down the telephone wires.

One intrepid pair has once again returned to Poplar Farm's barns but there is a diminishing supply of nest sites in

the face of "Barn Conversions".

In fact, Barn Owls are hard pushed as well: one can only hope that they may be considered in Planning

regulations. I was a least able to rescue a malnourished Male Sparrow Hawk last week which my neighbour had

noticed. Sadly its wing was broken and the Falconry at Warmington was able to take it in - for one moment I

wondered if I should ring the RSPCA! but previous attempts have proved fruitless. Sentiment rather than

knowledge is the policy these days.

The increasing infantilisation of Adults is now a feature of everyday life: cuddly toys, inane U-tube clips of Kittens

and the endless jargon of call centres; all are annoying and of little practical value.

Neither are the attempts by celebrities to become animal experts on the TV! Most people know that young birds

should be left alone when newly fledged, though perhaps having to reckon with well fed cats is an extra hazard .

Nest building is a constant source of fascination. I have a Robin nesting in the arch of a wheelbarrow, a blackbird

in a Honeysuckle bower. My Canary forsook a woven nest and used a water bowl lined with grass and is now

feeding three fledglings.

I have yet to hear a Cuckoo, though Skylarks are active in our local fields. Early butterflies are on the wing, like the

Orange-Tip that lays its eggs on the pale pink Ladies Smock; Green-Veined Whites; and the Sulphur-coloured

Brimstone that is attracted to Alder.

Buckthorn have emerged to brave the odd sunny intervals. Hibernating butterflies, like the Peacock and Small

Tortoishell, are scarce as their food supplies probably did not last out. One has to hope that these species will have

the enduring quality of recovery after a very hard season so far. Bernard Price

The Tallest Tree in Gaydon

Who knows which is the tallest tree in the village? Answers on a postcard to the Old Bakehouse by 20th of June,


Extract: Gaydon and Chadshunt Parish Magazine June 1973

The Golden Jubilee of the WI

Seventy people came to the Village Hall on the evening of Friday, June 15th, to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the

WI in Gaydon. The excellent and varied refreshments were provided by members and the celebration cake, made

by Mrs Walton of Kineton WI Market, was cut by a founder member, Mrs Gulliver.

Mrs Betty Davies, President of the Gaydon WI, welcomed past presidents and members and present members and

their guests and introduced the Square Dancers, who not only demonstrated some of their dances but also

persuaded a somewhat reluctant audience to take part in this most enjoyable entertainment. It was nearly midnight

when the last guest had left but young and old all thoroughly enjoyed a wonderful evening.

The 'T' Club

We will meet at Mrs Fellowes' house [The Old House] on Wednesday, July 18th at 3pm. There will be no meeting

in August.

Gaydon Horticultural Society

The Coffee Evening held in the garden of The Forge House on June 13th was a very enjoyable and successful

evening. Our thanks to Mr and Mrs Watts and all the people who supported this effort.

Gaydon Youth Club

The club is taking a break for the summer at present, although games of football and cricket have been held

occasionally. It is hoped that there will be more adult help in running the club when it resumes; anyone who is

interested please contact Mike Phipps.

We have been asked to point out that in the last report of the bowling, we erroneously stated that 'Fred' Evans had

won the Juniors match, when in fact Michael Walford deserves the accolade for this - our apologies, Michael.