index of magazines

Gaydon with Chadshunt Parish Magazine June 2007

This Month's Diary

Field Meeting Mon 4th 8pm Village Hall
PCC Thurs 7th 7.30pm   Fenny Compton
Flowers, Music, Art   Sat and Sun 9th & 10th Church and Village Hall
Friendship Club Tues 19th 2.30pm   Trevose
Gaydon Fete Sat 30th 2pm The Field
Pilates Tuesdays 8pm Village Hall
Toddler Group Thursdays 10-11.30am Village Hall
Mobile Library Thursdays 14th and 28th

Nature Notes

The early morning is my favourite time and the dawn chorus is at its best at present as most birds are establishing or reinforcing their nesting territories. At sunrise an open window is all you need. You are sure to hear the strident shrill calls of songthrush and Blackbird, the tranquil cooing of woodpigeons and the distant crow of a cock pheasant.
Last week I was delighted to hear a Cuckoo right next to my window and glimpsed the streamlined grey outline sitting in my large Walnut Tree.
The hearing of this bird was once the harbinger of summertime and letters appeared in The Times each year recording the dates.
This is a fascinating bird that migrates here from Africa and is known for its parasitic habit of laying its eggs in other species' nests.
The favourite victims seem to be Tree Pippits, Dunnocks and Robins, who continue to feed the huge fledgling long after their real eggs and young have been thrown out of the nest! The adult bird can eat the "woolly bear" caterpillars without being stung by their poisonous hairs and they are often mobbed by other birds as they resemble a sparrow hawk.
Another distinctive call is the Peewit or Green Plover. In recent years a few pairs have nested in the fields along the Kineton Road and this year they are displaying over there. You often hear them at night as they fly over the village. Herons often fly over too, though their call is a rasping croak.
At my work we have a superb unsprayed meadow which already has hordes of Twayblades - a very rare plant of the orchid family - in flower; to be followed, I hope, by several species of Orchid in the next few weeks. Look out for the Bee orchid which often grows around Gaydon but only appears at odd times if the roots are disturbed.
The churchyard is also a delight, with many species of wildflowers like Salad Burnet, Red campion and Ox Eye Daisy flowering amongst the old-fashioned grass varieties.
Listening to birdsong can be very relaxing: but after a few hours the noise of traffic intrudes, people yell down mobile phones and a variety of power tools seem always in evidence.
We are lucky enough still to hear skylarks and the calls of swifts and buzzards in the interludes between.

Bernard Price.

Gaydon Fete 2007

Saturday 30 June at 2pm
in the Field behind Church Lane
Children’s Area with a Bouncy Castle, face painting etc
Car Boot Sale
Dog Show
Raffle, Tombola, Teas and Cakes
various stalls and games

Friendship Club

Our June meeting is to be held at 2.30pm on Tuesday 19th at Trevose, Kineton Road, Gaydon.

Mobile Library

The van will be visiting the village on Thursdays 14th & 28th this month.

Floral Remembrance and Art Exhibition

in St Giles' Church and the Village Hall
on 9th and 10th June
Saturday, from Noon until 4pm
Sunday, following Service until 4pm
Refreshments on sale in the Village Hall from 2-4pm
Theme: celebrating thoughts of those we love, past and present.


The Pilates group meets on Tuesday nights at 8.00pm in the Village Hall. If you would like to join please call Madeleine on 640636.

Parish Council

Report on the AGM held on Tuesday 8th May.
Mr Jonathan Crowe was elected Chairman with Mr Bernard Price as Vice Chairman.
Following concerns about the safety of crossing the Kineton Road near the roundabout, an independent safety audit will be carried out shortly.
Two Vehicle Activated Signs have been requested for the Kineton Road.
Loose dogs in the Village are still causing havoc. The dog warden is aware and she is working with the Parish Council to eliminate this problem.
Stratford District Council are supporting us in trying to stop the Biffa lorries from driving down the narrow part of Church Lane.
Land Rover has asked its employees to park considerately in Gaydon, i.e., parking on one side only of Church Road and no parking on pavements.
Next meeting on Tuesday 3rd July.

Village Hall News

The AGM was held on Monday 21 May and was attended by two members of the public. The accounts were presented and adopted and the committee of trustees was reappointed. Chairperson Debbie Price said that the Hall was now an attractive venue for local events while the hire charges had been kept deliberately low for the benefit of villagers. The cottage is gradually being repaired and renovated as funds allow. It is hoped that the heating in the hall will be improved this autumn by the installation of new radiators.


SOS from the RNLI
Please save your used stamps (UK and overseas) for the Royal National Lifeboat Institute. Please trim them to 1cm from the edge of the stamp and deliver them to Joan Hare at Kynett in Church Lane, Gaydon, and she will pass them on to the RNLI.

In Memoriam

Lorraine Blackwell (formerly Kerr)
Stuart and Lorraine Kerr and their family came to live in Gaydon in 1994. Sadly, Stuart died in 1996 and shortly afterwards Lorraine moved away from the village. She subsequently married Kevin Blackwell who had also recently been widowed.
About three years ago Lorraine developed a progressive illness affecting her muscles and thereafter her health steadily deteriorated until finally she was paralysed and unable to do anything for herself. Lorraine had a strong Christian faith and was wonderfully supported by Kevin and her children. She died peacefully at home on 27 April 2007. She will be remembered with affection by her friends in Gaydon.

Down Memory Lane

Whilst out walking in April on the footpath across the field at the back of Church Lane and down by the cemetery, I met a lady who introduced herself as Joy Heinz, nee Lister, who had lived in Gaydon as a child and attended the village school. She had been married in St Giles' Church.
Joy now lives in Leicester to be near her daughter and on her way home that day had decided to call in at the cemetery and pay her respects to friends now departed.
She asked me to send greetings to anyone who remembers her.
Joan Hare

St Giles' Church Gaydon Services for June 2007 AD

Trinity Sunday
3       8.00      Eucharist            Burton Dassett
      10.00   Family Eucharist      Fenny Compton
      11.15   Matins            Gaydon
      11.30   Eucharist            Farnborough

10       9.00      Eucharist            Fenny Compton
      10.00   Morning Service      Farnborough
      10.00   Eucharist            Northend
      11.15   Growing Together      Gaydon
       6.00pm   Evening Prayer      Burton Dassett

17       8.00      Eucharist            Farnborough
       9.00      Eucharist         Gaydon
      10.30   Morning Service      Fenny Compton
      10.30   Village Communion      Northend

24       9.30      Eucharist            Northend
      10.30   Family Service      Fenny Compton
      11.30   Family Eucharist      Gaydon
       6.00pm   Evening Prayer      Burton Dassett
       6.30pm   Evening Prayer      Farnborough

Weekday Service

Eucharist at St Giles' Church on Wednesday 20th at 11am

Pastoral Ministry

To arrange baptisms, marriages, visits at home or in hospital,
the Sacrament of Reconciliation or for any other pastoral matter,
please contact the Vicar on 01295 770400
or email

Village Coffee Morning

The coffee morning usually held on the second Saturday of each month will be replaced by afternoon teas in the Village Hall from 2 o'clock till 4 on both Saturday and Sunday 9th & 10th of June.
There will be an Art Display in the Hall and Flowers and Music in the Church from noon each day, so do come
along and enjoy the show!

The Vicar's Letter

In this month's calendar, we find a whole host of saints commemorated, from St Petroc honoured in Cornwall, Devon and Wales, through to the apostles Barnabas and Sts Peter and Paul; whose feast day on 28 June is a traditional time for people to be ordained to the sacred ministry as deacons and priests.
The word ‘saint’ in the New Testament is applied not just to those of exemplary life who were recognised as martyrs but to all the people of God. So, here in the parishes, we are called to be God’s saints, his witnesses, people who walk in fellowship and faith as pilgrims, the way of Jesus Christ.
Not only are we called to be saints but we are all, by virtue of our baptism, called to minister as God’s people and to be channels of God’s love, mercy and grace. More than ever before, the ministry of the Church needs to be collaborative, the working together of the whole People of God, priest and parishioners.
Over the months that lie ahead, we shall be trying to discover what is required to sustain the ministry of the Church in our new group of parishes, the Dassett Magna group, and to discern what gifts, talents and ministries the People of God can offer in this work.


Lorraine Constance Blackwell 29 May 1943 - 27 April 2007
We record with great sorrow the death of Lorraine Blackwell, a former resident of Gaydon. Her funeral took place at St Michael's Church, Salwarpe, Worcestershire, on Monday 7 May 2007.

Parochial Church Meeting

The next PCC meeting will be held on Thursday 7 June at 7.30pm at Fenny Compton School. This new venue will allow the Vicar to attend more than one meeting in the course of the evening.

Gaydon Inn

We are delighted to report that the Gaydon Inn has re-opened under new management. We welcome Natalie and Marie to the village and wish them good luck with their new venture.
They invite us all to sample their fantastic new menu and fresh fish specials, so to book a table telephone them on 640338.

Neighbourhood Watch

Gaydon Report: another quiet month.
Alert: distraction Burglaries in Kineton and Farnborough
There have been 36 reported incidents related to the Police alert below. These people have not been seen in Gaydon but must have passed through on many occasions.
At 3.10pm on Friday 27 April several males in a Black car, possibly an Audi called at two houses in Castle Road, Kineton. A lone male entered both premises on the pretence of checking water for contamination. He wandered around but did not actually take anything.
A black Audi with the registration number of RJ07 NZU or AO55 RDY has been involved in over 30 distraction burglaries in the South Warwickshire and Thames Valley areas over recent weeks. If you spot this vehicle please dial 999 and report its whereabouts immediately.
Between 7 and 7.30pm on the same date a male knocked on the door of an elderly person in Holbech Hill, Farnborough and asked that the water be turned off due to problems next door. He and the resident turned the water on and off for 30 minutes whilst 3 other males searched the house and made off with a quantity of cash, a mobile phone and a gold watch.
The first offender is described as a white male, about 30 years old wearing a yellow checked T shirt. All of the others were white males including one of approximately 16 years of age.
Please remind elderly and vulnerable neighbours not to allow anyone they do not know or are not expecting into their home for any reason and to use a security chain when answering the door to strangers.
If you have information about this incident please ring 01926 415000 and ask for the Communications Centre. Please tell them that you are ringing in in response to a message or call Crime Stoppers 0800 555111.


This year’s fete is on Saturday 30th June 2007 at 2.00pm
in the Gaydon Field behind Church Lane.

We are hoping to have a Tractor Pull (when we find a tractor!)
and there will be a car boot sale, a dog show
a children’s area with Bouncy Castle and children’s entertainer
a second hand stall, a home produce stall, teas and cakes
raffle and tombola.
The Malt Shovel are kindly providing a bar
and we need volunteers to run a barbecue.
We also need help with the teas and cakes.
If you can spare time on the day to come and run a stall,
or can donate goods or bake a cake
please contact either Madeleine on 640636 or Anna on 641971.

More ideas for stalls or games very welcome!
If nothing else – just come along on the day!


We welcome to the village Tim, Jerry and Isabel who have come to live in Church Lane; we hope that they will enjoy being in Gaydon.

Purchase of Gaydon Field

There will be another meeting to discuss progress on Monday 4 June at 8pm in the Village Hall.
Anyone requiring further information, or who can not attend, should contact Jonathan Crowe on 640394.


Jumble and bric-a-brac for Warmington Playgroup Jumble Sale on Saturday 16 June at 2-4pm at Kineton Scout Hut. I will collect or you can bring on the day at 12 noon. Julia Thomas 641839