General functions of the PCC to include

The minister and council shall have a duty to consult together on matters of general concern and importance to the parish.

The functions of the PCC shall include;

(a) co-operation with the minister in promoting in the parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical;

(b) the consideration and discussion of matters concerning the Church of England or any other matters of religious or public interest, but not the

declaration of the doctrine of the Church on any question;

(c) making known and putting into effect any provision made by the diocesan synod or deanery synod, but without prejudice to the powers of the

council on any matter;

(d) giving advice to the diocesan synod and the deanery synod on any matter referred to the council;

(e) raising such matters as the council consider appropriate with the diocesan synod or deanery synod.

In the exercise of its functions the PCC shall take into consideration any expression of opinion by any parochial church meeting.

The PCC has the power to frame an annual budget of moneys required for the maintenance of the work of the Church in the parish and otherwise

and to take such steps as they think necessary for the raising collecting and allocating of such moneys.

Power jointly with the minister to determine objects to which all monies to be given or collected in church shall be allocated.

Power to make representation to the bishop with regard to any matter affecting the welfare of the church in the parish.

The PCC is involved in various stages of the process of appointing a new incumbent.

The PCC is entitled to object to a proposal for the sale or pulling down of a residence belonging to the benefice, or for the erection or purchase of a

new residence house.

The PCC has an important voice in any decision as to forms of service, choice of versions of the bible and prayer book, vesture worn by ministers in divine services.

© Coventry Diocese 2013